Saturday, May 28, 2022

Papal Investigation Into UN Uncovers Shocking Agenda, A Plan To De-Chris...

Bloggers note: Corruption of Morals at the UN is intrinsic to its agenda ...... more on this later ...For now everything in this report is verified ..



you for joining mother and refuge of the
end times we would like to share with
you an article written for the spanish
website forums of the virgin mary the
hidden face of the un the united nations
operation to change the world in 2030.
john paul ii envoy who discovered the
un's long-term plan has died on may the
3rd 2022 monsignor michael schuyens died
at the age of 92. this name will mean
nothing to many but bishop shillians was
an important personality within the
he was a member of three pontifical
the one for social sciences the st
thomas aquinas academy and the one for
of belgian origin he obtained several
doctorates and worked especially in the
areas of philosophy demography and
he was a professor at various
universities including that of leuven
and exercised his parish ministry in
brazil and belgium
he has written hundreds of articles and
dozens of books but his most important
work was one that had john paul the
second as an actor
both agreeing that shuiyans sit in the
u.n and tell the pontiff what happens
from this experience came the book the
hidden face of the united nations where
he recounts how the u n is in a process
of changing the world within its own
dynamics and is not a mere coordinating
institution what the nations that
constituted think here we will talk
about the things that do not come to
light about the un that monsignor
schuyens find in his research on the un
so that you can form an opinion about
this institution it is not entirely
clear if it was the pope who asked
father shueyans to sit in the u.n to
investigate what was happening inside or
if it came from him
but how important it was that he did so
with the consent of the papal pyre
from this research emerged a book
published in europe the hidden face of
the united nations
what this monsignor find is especially
important today because what was once a
noble institution of coordination
between nations today shows another
because it is operating a project of its
own to form a new world order based on
an anti-christian vision of the new
rights of man on the submission of
nations and on the pre-eminence of
ecology over man
what father shu yin's find has been
confirmed in recent times with the
primacy for example of the world health
organization over the competent bodies
in each country lately now it is
legitimate to ask how an organization
that in theory responds to the
collegiate of all nations of the world
is having this independence of its own
from the human point of view the un is a
cast of people who are not
democratically elected by any vote most
of them are not appointed by governments
but are appointed by the consensus which
basically means that it is the result of
lobbying by the un bureaucracy the
officials subcontract to external
experts eventually they'll become u.n
officials then they cease to be u.n
officials and return to their work as
advisers and later on there will be
officials again
and thus in a permanent circulation of
the same ideologically related people
the secret is in how they handle
consensus consensus is obtained in
international assemblies thanks to
non-governmental organizations that do a
good job of lobbying these ngos are
financed by powerful private foundations
global corporations international
pharmaceutical groups etc and then it is
operated at the level of each country by
a powerful network of ideologically
aligned partners who expand its
influence and the application of its
women's movements youth organizations
development ngos charities local
media health institutions etc and so
together the un bureaucrats plus the
ngos financed by large global private
groups and legitimized by the un itself
pressure national governments in various
ways to align themselves with the
organization's proposals
they do this by allocating money to
plans they are interested in and
restricting them to those they are not
interested in
and they work so that their initiatives
are incorporated into national
re-engineering is advancing rapidly and
the un is operating a master plan whose
goal is the year 2030 it is based on
four agendas the population agenda which
introduces population control and
reduction the reproductive health agenda
which recommends contraception abortion
and sterilization
the sexual diversity agenda which
promotes gender ideology and the
ecological agenda
which promotes the concept of the fight
against climate change and ecological
world governance everything that happens
in the countries around these four
agendas is ideologically pressured by
the un and leveraged by donations from
the un itself and from private
foundations recommended by the officials
of the world organization
a central point is the new rights that
are added to the declaration of human
rights of 1948 these rights of the 1948
declaration included the right to life
the validation that all human beings are
born free and equal in dignity that they
are free to associate to choose the
political regime that governs them to
organize in unions
to find a family to adhere to a religion
etcetera but father shulian's documented
that the un officials are pushing for
new rights of man to be adopted
including those that the author sees as
regrouped around sexual rights
what they are about is that the
differences in roles between men and
women in society are not natural but
cultural that everyone is free to choose
their sex or change it which includes
non-heterosexual marriage and the right
to adoption the promotion of single
parent and same-sex family models
legalized and easy access to
contraception and abortion
compulsory sex education for adolescents
and children removed from parental
control these new rights in turn drive
the legitimation of euthanasia the
abolition of parental supervision of
pedophilia divorce and also several
forms of prostitution
another innovation is that these new
rights are based on the idea that man is
subject to the land and not on the
traditional christian claim that the
land is subject to man the un agenda
implies that the rights of mother earth
are more important than the rights of
these ephemeral beings called men and
that is why they propose the restriction
of human expansion because it is
detrimental to the planet the un earth
charter requires man to recognize not
only the rights of the earth in general
but also the rights of living beings
especially animals within which man is
just one more and the biggest predator
father shuyan says that this means to
defy the earth and desacralize man he
conceives of man only as the product of
a material evolution that must submit to
the imperatives of the world that
surrounds him nature and ecology
and it promotes that man must accept no
longer being the center of the world
according to this interpretation of
nature and man the natural law is no
longer that which is written in the
heart and in the intelligence of man
but rather it is the implacable and
violent law that nature imposes on man
central to this approach are the new age
ecologists who present the human
population as predators which must be
restricted for sustainable development
and this sustainable development is the
basis of the un 2030 agenda whose very
obvious goal is to advance towards a
world government for this he has to
weaken the family in the nations from a
position of power that is why since 2000
the position of the special
representative of the secretary general
of the u n was created who is in charge
of the protection of human rights
with what is sought to legally penalize
those who violate the fulfillment of the
new rights including those of the land
so the next step is to encourage nations
to make laws to protect the new rights
the un bureaucrats use the term
responsibility sharing but it is a new
expression that hides something else
behind it
it indicates that the un is no longer
satisfied with playing a secondary role
in the world
father shuyan maintains that the un's
effort is to become a true breeding
ground for a world government through a
concentration of power unprecedented in
that it would be in a position of
hierarchy superior to the nations and
that it would leave governments and
parliaments in a residual role
everything that is happening implies
that the un intends to place itself at
the center of the world power and equip
itself little by little with all the
control instruments it needs to exercise
what it believes is its mission in the
new millennium it has even ventured into
the creation of a world religion to
obtain a new planetary ethic
this new religion would be pantheistic
and encompass all living beings with
gaia as the center this is what we
wanted to tell you about what father
shuiyans find in the u.n where a
powerful force acts towards the
concentration of power that appears to
have its own engine to redesign the
immaculate heart of mary pray for us
thank you for watching mother and refuge
of the end times