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JANUARY 22, 2014
Copy of Record will be issued on 1/30/14
James G. McGann, Ph.D.
Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA USA 2 3
The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program
"Helping to bridge the gap between knowledge and policy"
Researching the trends and challenges facing
think tanks, policymakers, and policy-oriented
civil society groups…
Sustaining, strengthening, and building
capacity for think tanks around the world…
Maintaining the largest, most
comprehensive database of over
6,000 think tanks…
All requests, questions, and comments
should be directed to:
James G. McGann, Ph.D.
Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program
International Relations Program
University of Pennsylvania
Telephone: (215) 746-2928
2013 Copyright: All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by information storage or retrieval system, without written permission from the University of Pennsylvania, Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program.4
First and foremost, I want to express my deep appreciation to the 2,000 plus scholars, journalists, policymakers, think tank directors and donors, from every region of the world that participated in the 2013 Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI). I would like to thank the over 1,950 functional area and regional specialists who served as expert panelists and provided valuable insights and assistance as I compiled the report.
Thank you also to my research interns for their help in compiling and analyzing the data for the 2013 Index. I would like to extend a special thank you to the project leads for the 2013 GGTTI, Deborah Allison, Benjamin Fogel, and Natalia Kopytnik, who assembled and edited this year’s report. In addition, a word of thanks to the current and former interns who gave up several nights and weekends to help edit the report, conduct the data analysis and the development of enhance the graphics for this year’s report. In this regard special thanks goes out to Travis Taylor, Jillian Rafferty, Fadwa Kingsberry, Bailey Scott, and Andrew Metrick. They, in conjunction with the research team, put in long hours to help improve the Index’s quality and appearance.
I would also like to express my appreciation to the United Nations and the United Nations University for hosting the briefing and global launch of the 2013 Global Go To Think Tank Index in New York, and the World Bank for hosting the Washington, D.C. briefing and launch.
Thank you all for your support over the years, and for your help in making the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania a continued success. 5
Background on the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program
The Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) at the University of Pennsylvania conducts research on the role policy institutes play in governments and civil societies around the world. Often referred to as the "think tanks’ think tank," TTCSP examines the evolving role and character of public policy research organizations. Over the last 25 years, the TTCSP has developed and led a series of global initiatives that have helped bridge the gap between knowledge and policy in critical policy areas such as international peace and security, globalization and governance, international economics, environmental issues, information and society, poverty alleviation, and healthcare and global health. These international collaborative efforts are designed to establish regional and international networks of policy institutes and communities that improve policy making while strengthening democratic institutions and civil societies around the world.
The TTCSP works with leading scholars and practitioners from think tanks and universities in a variety of collaborative efforts and programs, and produces the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index that ranks the world’s leading think tanks in a variety of categories. This is achieved with the help of a panel of over 1,900 peer institutions and experts from the print and electronic media, academia, public and private donor institutions, and governments around the world. We have strong relationships with leading think tanks around the world, and our annual Think Tank Index is used by academics, journalists, donors and the public to locate and connect with the leading centers of public policy research around the world. Our goal is to increase the profile and performance of think tanks and raise the public awareness of the important role think tanks play in governments and civil societies around the globe.
Since its inception in 1989, the TTCSP has focused on collecting data and conducting research on think tank trends and the role think tanks play as civil society actors in the policymaking process. In 2007, the TTCSP developed and launched the global index of think tanks, which is designed to identify and recognize centers of excellence in all the major areas of public policy research and in every region of the world. To date TTCSP has provided technical assistance and capacity building programs in 81 countries. We are now working to create regional and global networks of think tanks in an effort to facilitate collaboration and the production of a modest yet achievable set of global public goods. Our goal is to create lasting institutional and state-level partnerships by engaging and mobilizing think tanks that have demonstrated their ability to produce high quality policy research and shape popular and elite opinion and actions for public good. 6
Table of Contents
Introduction 7
Overview of Modifications and Enhancements to the Global Go To Think Tank Index 8
Methodology and Timeline 11
2013 Rankings Categories 17
2013 Think Tank Statistics 19
2013 Global Go To Rankings Results 26
Top Think Tanks in the World 26
Top Think Tanks by Region 34
Top Think Tanks by Area of Research 51
Top Think Tanks by Special Achievement 72
Appendices 105
Background on the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program 115
The Research Team 116 7
The 2013 Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI) marks the seventh year of continued efforts by the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania (TTCSP) to acknowledge the important contributions and emerging global trends of think tanks worldwide. Our initial effort to generate a ranking of the world’s leading think tanks in 2006 was a response to a series of requests from donors, government officials, journalists, and scholars, to produce regional and international rankings of the world’s preeminent think tanks. Since its inception, our ongoing objective for the GGTTI report is to gain understanding of the role think tanks play in governments and civil societies. Using this knowledge, we hope to assist in improving the capacity and performance of think tanks around the world.
Since 2006, the ranking process has been refined and streamlined, and the number and scope of the institutions and individuals involved has steadily grown. The process, as in past years, relies on a shared definition of public policy research, analysis, and engagement organizations, a detailed set of selection criteria, and an increasingly open and transparent nomination and selection process. As part of the nominations process, all 6,826 think tanks catalogued in the TTCSP’s Global Think Tank Database were contacted and encouraged to participate, in addition to, over 9,000 journalists, policymakers, public and private donors, think tanks, and functional and regional area specialists. This group of peers and experts was surveyed to both nominate and rank public policy research centers of distinction for 2013.
To refine and validate the generated ranking lists, TTCSP assembled Expert Panels comprised of hundreds of members from a wide variety of backgrounds and disciplines. Additionally, new media – the website and social media presence – helped us communicate and disseminate information about criteria for this year’s Index to a wider audience (please see "Methodology and Timeline" for the complete set of nomination and ranking criteria, and "Appendices" for a detailed explication of the ranking process). Given the rigor and scope of the nomination and selection processes, the rankings produced thus far have been described as the insider’s guide to the global marketplace of ideas.
As a final note, we would like to remind you that the data collection, research, and analysis for this project, as in previous years, were conducted without the benefit of field research, a budget, or staff. We are confident that the peer nomination and selection process, as well as the work of the international Expert Panels, have enabled us to create the most authoritative list of high performance think tanks in the world. Still, efforts to streamline and perfect the process are ongoing. We are continually seeking ways to enhance the process and welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement. We further encourage you to provide the names and contact information for prospective expert panelists for functional and regional areas covered by the Index.
Thank you for your continued support of the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program at the University of Pennsylvania and of the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index. We hope our efforts to highlight the important contributions and emerging global trends of think tanks worldwide will foster insightful discussions, and debates on the present and future roles of these vital institutions. 8
Overview of Modifications and Enhancements to the Global Go To Think Tanks Index
Each year we attempt to respond systematically to the comments and suggestions to improve the nomination and ranking process for the Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI). Since the inaugural report in 2006, the nomination and selection processes have changed significantly. While the Think Tanks and Civil Societies Program (TTCSP) continually seeks to improve the nomination and selection process, several statements should be acknowledged. First, we do not claim that the annual rankings are error-free. As with many ranking systems, the GGTTI has its fair share of limitations, which we continually seek to overcome. Second, critiques highlighting the rankings’ comprehensiveness fail to understand our commitment to studying the contributions and impact of think tanks worldwide. The Index’s aim is to produce an inclusive and far-reaching report of international think tanks. Moreover, we hope to extend the Index to even more think tanks around the world.
Recent Years’ Modifications
TTCSP is committed to increasing the quality and representativeness of the Index every year we conduct the survey. Since 2010, hundreds expert panelists have participated in an evaluation of the ranking criteria and nominations and indexing processes. As a result, the Index has undergone a number of major changes designed to limit bias, expand the rankings’ representativeness, and improve the overall quality and integrity of the nomination process. The following modifications have been made to the Index over the last several years:
In 2010, a ranking list for think tanks with an annual budget of less than five million dollars was created. This category helps to recognize the work of smaller think tanks that produce influential research, but might otherwise be edged out in the rankings by think tanks with larger budgets and greater manpower.
American think tanks were removed from the global ranking in an effort to improve the visibility of global organizations, and recognize the inherent advantages of American think tanks.
The methodology was revamped to encompass an open nominations process in which all 6,480 think tanks identified by the TTCSP at that time were invited to submit nominations. This replaced a system where the Expert Panels developed the initial slate of institutions. The change dramatically increased the levels of participation, and greatly improved the quality and representativeness of nominated institutions.
An outreach effort was launched in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) to improve the Index’s inclusivity.
The Latin America category was restructured into two categories: "Top Think Tanks in Mexico, Canada, and the Caribbean," and "Top Think Tanks in Central and South America."
The Latin America categories were further refined into: "Top Think Tanks in Mexico and Canada," "Top Think Tanks in Central and South America."
The Asia category underwent revisions in order to prevent the group’s total domination by China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea. As such, the Asia section was divided into two categories: "Top Think Tanks in China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea," and "Top Think Tanks Asia (excluding China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea)."
Six new special achievement categories were created: "Best Independent Think Tanks" (financially, structurally, and legally independent of government and political parties), "Best Advocacy Campaign," "Best Policy Produced by a Think Tank 2011-2012," "Best For-Profit Think Tanks," "Top Energy and Resource Policy Think Tank," and "Top Education Policy Think Tanks." These categories recognize both special achievements and excellence in particular areas of study. This expansion aimed to better recognize the diverse range of issues think tanks address, and the new organizational types that have emerged over the past five years.
The "Best New Think Tanks" category now examines organizations founded over the past 24 months instead of the past 18.
2013 Process and Methodology
As in the 2011 and 2012 processes, this year’s Index relied on an open nominations process, followed by Expert Panel reviews of the nominations. In addition, the 2013 Index features a number of new or modified categories. Further refinements have been made to the Asia category, which is now divided into three distinct categories: "Top Think Tanks in Central Asia," "Top Think Tanks in South Asia and the Pacific," and "Top Think Tanks in China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea." The former "Top Security and International Affairs Think Tanks" category has been divided into two separate categories: " Top Defense and National Security Think Tanks," and "Top Foreign Policy and International Affairs Think Tanks." New categories in this year’s Index include: "Think Tank to Watch," "Best Use of Social Networks," "Best Institutional Collaboration Involving Two or More Think Tanks," Best Think Tank Network," "Best Think Tank Conference," "Best Managed Think Tank," "Best New Idea or Paradigm Developed by a Think Tank," and " Best Transdisciplinary Research Program at a Think Tank."
Though this year’s process has enjoyed the improvements outlined above, we would be remiss if we were to fail to mention a few qualifications. Despite efforts to improve the Index’s inclusivity, especially within the "Top Think Tanks – Worldwide" category, certain regions continue to be underrepresented. Ongoing obstacles to increasing representation of developing regions in the Index are likely related to the relatively small number of think tanks in developing countries and the 10
manifold challenges these institutions face. The continued dominance of think tanks in Europe and North America in the rankings is a function of several factors, including: the reality that more than sixty percent of the world’s think tanks are based in Europe and North America; the funding and resources available to these organizations; the historically dominant role these regions have played in world politics, and the influence they traditionally exert over international political, economic, and social thinking.
That being said, we would like to direct your attention to the regional, functional, and special achievement categories, which together might provide a more thorough picture of the work of think tanks globally. We hope to better enable the inclusion of underrepresented regions in the Index through the following enhancements: dramatically increasing the number of listings in each category; dividing Asia into three distinct categories; creating a separate category for Mexico and Canada; and creating a category recognizing organizations with a budget of less than five million dollars. We would also like to highlight the exclusion of think tanks based in the United States from the principal global ranking. In so doing, the rankings are able to highlight lesser-known think tanks in regions outside of the United States. Given the extraordinary worldwide prominence and preeminence of U.S. think tanks, including them in the principal global rankings would likely distort the results excessively in their favor.
Each year our best efforts have gone into generating a rigorous, inclusive, and objective process. However, we recognize the impossibility of entirely ridding the Index from bias. Inevitably, personal, ideological, disciplinary, and regional biases of those consulted throughout the process may have influenced the rankings. While some have suggested that we move to a small group or panel of experts and journalists to make the selections, we are unwavering in our commitment to an open and democratic process. Given the safeguards in place – the open and transparent process, the provisions set by the detailed nomination and selection criteria, and the annually increasing participation of think tanks and experts from every region of the world – we are confident in the Index’s quality and integrity. Additionally, with the growing involvement of the expert panelists, the nomination and ranking process has also been dramatically improved. Together, we believe these measures insulate the nomination and selection process from any significant charges of bias and misrepresentation.
Finally, we would like to underscore that the GGTTI is but one measure of a think tank’s performance and impact, and has been designed for use in conjunction with other metrics to help identify and evaluate public policy research organizations around the world. An organization’s inclusion within the Index does not indicate a seal of approval or endorsement for the institution, its publications, or its programs by the TTCSP. Conversely, an organization’s exclusion from the rankings does not necessarily indicate poor quality, effectiveness, or performance. There are 6,826 think tanks around the world completing exceptional work to help bridge the gap between knowledge and policy. This report is no more than one effort to highlight some of the world’s leading think tanks. 11
Methodology and Timeline
Before beginning the 2013 nomination and selection process, the team conducted extensive research in order to update and verify the Think Tank and Civil Societies Program’s (TTCSP) Global Think Tank Database. Through this process 223 additional think tanks were identified for possible inclusion in this year’s study. A month in advance of the 2013 nomination and selection process launch, a letter announcing the commencement of the 2013 Global Go To Think Tank Index (GGTTI) was sent to all catalogued organizations. Think tanks were asked to make recommendations for improving the nomination and selection process, in addition to potential Expert Panel nominees. A letter requesting evaluations of the efficacy and validity of the 2012 Rankings criteria, and nomination and selection process, was also sent to expert panelists from previous years.
Timeline of the Nomination and Ranking Process
The timeline of the 2013 nomination and selection process is summarized below.
Round I: Nominations August – September 2013
A call for nominations was sent to 6,826 think tanks and thousands of journalists, public and private donors, and policymakers from around the world. Following Round I nominations, organizations with five or more nominations were included in the 2013 selection process. Invitations to serve on the 2013 Expert Panels were extended to individuals who had previously served on the 2012 Expert Panels. Invitations were also extended to experts nominated this year by their peers.
Round II: Peer and Expert Rankings October – November 2013
A letter announcing the commencement of Round II was sent to organizations in the TTCSP’s Global Think Tank Database, in addition to thousands of journalists, policymakers, and public and private donors. Following their completion of the survey, the rankings were tabulated and a list of finalists generated for the Expert Panels’ approval.
The following is a snapshot of the more than 1,950 peer institutions and experts who participated in the 2013 nominations and selection process:
793 expert panelists for all the regional and functional research categories
150 journalists and scholars with expertise spanning politics, think tanks, and civil society
55 current and former directors of think tank programs and networks
40 public and private donors
150 civil society representatives
100s of think tanks
25-30 intergovernmental organizations
120 academic institutions
Furthermore, we are pleased to highlight the increasingly global reach of the rankings, as reflected in the following statistics from this year’s nomination process: 12
6,826 think tanks from 182 countries were invited to participate in the process;
1,947 individuals from 120 countries participated in the nominations and rankings process;
Think tanks were nominated, and subsequently ranked, in 47 categories;
2,265 ballots were cast over two voting rounds;
52,000 votes were cast over two voting rounds; and,
171 think tanks were nominated as the world’s top think tank.
Round III: Expert Panel Selects 2013 Go To Think Tanks November – December 2013
The list of nominated institutions was shared with expert panelists, who were asked to identify any serious errors, omissions, or irregularities in the slate of nominated institutions.
After taking their feedback into account, the rankings are finalized.
Launch: 2013 Global Go To Think Tank Index Announced January 22, 2014
The 2013 GGTTI was announced at the United Nations University in New York City and at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., as well as through selected organizations in every region of the world.
2013 Global Go To Think Tank Index Nomination and Ranking Criteria
The peers and experts who participated in the indexing process were encouraged to employ the following criteria when considering nominations and rankings. The 2013 GGTTI Nomination and Ranking Criteria include, but are not limited to the following criteria:
The quality and commitment of the think tank’s leadership (chief executive and governing body): effectively managing the mission and programs of the think tank, mobilizing the financial and human resources necessary to fulfill the mission, and monitoring the quality, independence and impact of the think tank;
The quality and reputation of the think tank’s staff: the ability to assemble a critical mass of highly skilled, experienced and productive scholars and analysts who are recognized as either emerging or established experts in their respective area of research;
The quality and reputation of the research and analysis produced: the ability to produce high quality, rigorous, policy oriented research that is accessible to policymakers, media and the public;
Ability to recruit and retain elite scholars and analysts;
Academic performance and reputation: the academic rigor associated with the research conducted, the formal accreditation of a think tank’s scholars and analysts, the number and type of scholarly publications produced - books, journals and conference papers – the number of presentations delivered at scholarly and other professional meeting, the number and type of citations of the think tanks scholars’ research in scholarly publications;
The quality, number, and reach of its publications;
The impact of a think tanks research and programs on policymakers and other policy actors: policy recommendations considered or actually adopted by policymakers, civil society or policy actors;
Reputation with policymakers: name recognition associated with specific issues or programs, number of briefings and official appointments, number of policy briefs and white papers produced, legislative testimony delivered;
A demonstrated commitment to producing independent research and analysis: standards and policies for producing rigorous evidence based research and analysis that are posted and monitored by the organization, research teams and individual researchers, disclosure of conflict of interest (financial, institutional or personal), and a commitment to nonpartisanship and established professional standards for research in the social sciences;
Access to key institutions: the ability to reach and connect with key audiences and personnel such as government officials (elected and appointed), civil society, traditional and new media, and academia;
Ability to convene key policy actors and to develop effective networks and partnerships with other think tanks and policy actors;
Overall output of the organization: policy proposals, web visits, briefings, publications, interviews, conferences, staff nominated to official posts;
Utilization of research, policy proposal and other products: the effective transmission and utilization of policy briefs, reports, policy recommendations and other products by policymakers and the policy community, number of current and former staff serving in advisory roles to policymakers, advisory commissions, etc., awards given to scholars for scholarly achievement or public service;
Usefulness of organization’s information in public engagement, advocacy work, preparing legislation or testimony, preparing academic papers or presentations, conducting research or teaching;
Ability to use electronic, print and the new media to communicate research and reach key audiences;
Media reputation: number of media appearances, interviews and citations;
Ability to use the Internet, including social media tools, to engage with policymakers, journalists and the public;
Web Site and Digital presence: the quality, accessibility, effective maintenance of the organization’s web presence, the quality and level Digital traffic and engagement (quality,
accessibility and navigability of web site, number of website visitors, page views, time spent on pages, "likes" or followers);
Level, diversity and stability of funding: the ability to mobilize the necessary financial resources to support the think tank over time (endowment, membership fees, annual donations, government and private contracts, earned income);
Effective management and allocation of financial and human resources: the ability to effectively manage money and people so as to produce high quality outputs that achieve maximum impact;
Ability of the organization to effectively fulfill the terms of the gifts, grants and contracts from government(s), individuals, corporations and foundations who have provided the financial support to the think tank (financial stewardship);
The organization’s ability to produce new knowledge, innovative policy proposals or alternative ideas on policy;
Ability to bridge the gap between the academic and policymaking communities;
Ability to bridge the gap between policymakers and the public;
Ability to include new voices in the policymaking process;
Ability of organization to be inscribed within issue and policy networks;
Success in challenging the traditional wisdom of policymakers and in generating innovative policy ideas and programs; and,
The impact on society: direct relationship between the organization’s efforts in a particular area to a positive change in societal values such as significant changes in the quality of life within respective country (amounts of goods and services available to citizens, state of physical and mental health, quality of environment, quality of political rights, access to institutions).
Think Tank Impact Assessment Framework
Clearly, assessing the impact of think tanks is not an easy endeavor given the various and conflicting actors, events, and politics involved in the policy making process. Despite significant challenges in establishing a causal relationship between knowledge and policy, it is necessary for think tanks to understand and effectively respond to the growing chorus of questions raised by donors, journalists, and the public, about the role and influence of think tanks in civil societies and governments around the world. 15
Think tanks can utilize various measures to assess their impact and account for their contributions to the policymaking environment and civil society. Much of the TTCSP’s recent research has focused on developing a comprehensive assessment tool for evaluating think tanks’ impact. The impetus for this research, in part, was the apparent confusion regarding the difference between output and impact. In various TTCSP studies and surveys, researchers and think tanks provided lists of research outputs (books, conferences, web hits, media appearances, etc.) when asked about impact on public policy and how they measure it. Outputs, however, are not the only way to measure impact.
The metric provided below is designed to serve as a catalyst for discussion on how to effectively measure the impact of think tanks. It is provided here as background for the think tank ranking process; we hope it clarifies the distinction between outputs and impacts and provide a useful tool as you prepare your rankings. We ask our peer and expert panel members to also consider the following indicators when contemplating the impact of think tanks:
Resource indicators: Ability to recruit and retain leading scholars and analysts; the level, quality, and stability of financial support; proximity and access to decision-makers and other policy elites; a staff with the ability to conduct rigorous research and produce timely and incisive analysis; institutional currency; quality and reliability of networks; and key contacts in the policy academic communities, and the media.
Utilization indicators: Reputation as a "go-to" organization by media and policy elites in the country; quantity and quality of media appearances and citations, web hits, testimony before legislative and executive bodies; briefings, official appointments, consultation by officials or departments/agencies; books sold; reports distributed; references made to research and analysis in scholarly and popular publications and attendees at conferences and seminars organized.
Output indicators: Number and quality of: policy proposals and ideas generated; publications produced (books, journal articles, policy briefs, etc.); news interviews conducted; briefings, conferences, and seminars organized; and staff who are nominated to advisory and government posts.
Impact indicators: Recommendations considered or adopted by policymakers and civil society organizations; issue network centrality; advisory role to political parties, candidates, transition teams; awards granted; publication in or citation of publications in academic journals, public testimony and the media that influences the policy debate and decision-making; listserv and web site dominance; and success in challenging the conventional wisdom and standard operating procedures of bureaucrats and elected officials in the country.
Beyond this quantitative assessment, an effective evaluation of impact should involve NGOs and members of the government and policymakers to ascertain the degree to which a think tanks’ output is used. This participation can be obtained through interviews, surveys, questionnaires, and focus group meetings. 16
Although this qualitative assessment is essential because it recognizes that policy impact can be successfully achieved even if policy prescriptions are not directly translated into actual policy, we recommend that this assessment should be translated into a think tank index, thereby allowing comparisons with baseline data for effective monitoring and evaluation in the future. 17
2013 Ranking Categories
I. Top Think Tanks in the World
Think Tank of the Year 2013 – Top Think Tank in the World
Top Think Tanks Worldwide – (Non-U.S.)
Top Think Tanks Worldwide – (U.S. and non-U.S.
II. Top Think Tanks by Region
Top Think Tanks in sub-Saharan Africa
Top Think Tanks in Canada and Mexico
Top Think Tanks in Central and South America
Top Think Tanks in the United States
Top Think Tanks in Central Asia
Top Think Tanks in China, India, Japan, and the Republic of Korea
Top Think Tanks in Southeast Asia and the Pacific
Top Think Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe
Top Think Tanks in Western Europe
Top Think Tanks in the Middle East and North Africa
III. Top Think Tanks by Area of Research
Top Defense and National Security Think Tanks
Top Domestic Economic Policy Think Tanks
Top Education Policy Think Tanks (Unranked)
Top Energy and Resource Policy Think Tanks
Top Environment Think Tanks
Top Foreign Policy and International Affairs Think Tanks
Top Health Policy Think Tanks
Top International Development Think Tanks
Top International Economic Policy Think Tanks
Top Science and Technology Think Tanks
Top Social Policy Think Tanks
Top Transparency and Good Governance Think Tanks
IV. Top Think Tanks by Special Achievement
Best Advocacy Campaign
Best For-Profit Think Tanks (Unranked)
Best Government Affiliated Think Tanks
Best Institutional Collaboration Involving Two or More Think Tanks
Best Managed Think Tank
Best New Idea or Paradigm Developed by a Think Tank
Best New Think Tanks
Best Policy Study/Report Produced by a Think Tank 2012-2013
Best Think Tank Conference
Best Think Tank Network
Best Think Tanks with Political Party Affiliation
Best Transdisciplinary Research Program at a Think Tank
Best University Affiliated Think Tanks
Best Use of Social Networks
Think Tank to Watch
Think Tanks with the Best External Relations/Public Engagement Programs
Think Tanks with the Best Use of the Internet
Think Tanks with the Best Use of the Media (Print or Electronic)
Think Tanks with the Most Innovative Policy Ideas/Proposals
Think Tanks with the Most Significant Impact on Public Policy
Think Tanks with Outstanding Policy-Oriented Public Programs
Top Think Tanks with Annual Operating Budgets of Less Than $5 Million USD
2013 Think Tank Statistics
Number of Think Tanks in the World in 2013
This chart reflects the number of think tanks in 2013 based on data collected as of August, 2013. 20
Global Distribution of Think Tanks by Region 21
Countries with the Largest Number of Think Tanks1
1 We have not been able to identify any think tanks operation in the following countries: Brunei, Macao, Turkmenistan, Monaco, San Marino, Anguila, Aruba, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, French Guinea, Montserrat, the Turks and Caicos Islands, the Comoros, Sao Tome and Principe, Kiribati, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, the Solomon Islands, Tonga, Tuvalu, and Vanuatu. Rank | Country | Number of Think Tanks |
1 | United States | 1828 |
2 | China | 426 |
3 | United Kingdom | 287 |
4 | India | 268 |
5 | Germany | 194 |
6 | France | 177 |
7 | Argentina | 137 |
8 | Russia | 122 |
9 | Japan | 108 |
10 | Canada | 96 |
11 | Italy | 89 |
12 | South Africa | 88 |
13 | Brazil | 81 |
14 | Sweden | 77 |
15 | Switzerland | 71 |
16 | Mexico | 60 |
17 | Kenya | 57 |
18 | Netherlands | 57 |
19 | Egypt | 55 |
20 | Israel | 55 |
21 | Spain | 55 |
22 | Romania | 54 |
23 | Belgium | 52 |
24 | Taiwan | 52 |
25 | Nigeria | 51 |
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