Friday, October 31, 2014

Security... Staying ahead: the US and future technologies


The US is determined to remain the world leader

in defence technology. After several years of procurement

and research cuts (a 14% reduction to

$168 billion in fiscal year 2013 and a further 4%

to $162 billion in 2014), the US is now planning

to stabilise spending levels in this field. To ensure

that it stays ahead in the technology game even in

times of tighter budgets, the Pentagon will shift

more money to basic research and early stage developments

– the level where concepts are turned

into prototypes. The trade-off is that the budget

for system development and demonstration is being

reduced, meaning that many promising new

technologies may never materialise or enter production.

Meanwhile, the US will continue producing

systems of incrementally improved levels of

technology so as to ensure that its military keeps

its edge until new breakthrough technology can

be fielded.
Knowledge is power
New technologies are game changers in war and

peace. By exploiting its advantage in science and

technology during the Cold War, the US was able

to counter the Soviet Union’s superior numbers of

soldiers, tanks and aircraft. Technologies such as

smart bombs, stealth aircraft, remote surveillance,

command and control networks and other hightech

systems were all developed during the Cold

War and provide the basis for US conventional

military dominance today.

However, the spread of technological know-how

and aggressive efforts of other countries to catch

up in the fields of natural sciences and engineering

means that the US may soon face technologically

equal (if not superior) competitors and opponents.

Technology superiority remains a priority

for all the major powers in the world. Though

the US is adamant that it should retain its lead in

defence technology, Russia has embarked on an

ambitious technological modernisation process

of its own. Elsewhere, China is investing heavily

in new technologies able to destroy satellites and

new weapons able to evade missile defences while

India recently demonstrated its ambitions by successfully

sending a space probe to Mars.

To ensure it remains the undisputed leader in

defence technology, even in an age of austerity,

Washington plans to ‘leap-frog’ a generation of

technologies. This strategy has been proposed before

but never fully implemented. Then presidential

candidate George W. Bush proposed moving

beyond marginal improvements to skip a generation

of technology in 1999. Once in office, however,

the pressing needs of two major land wars in

Central Asia and the Middle East made procurement

of existing gear more important than future

research needs.

This time around, it may be different. While money

remains tight, the Pentagon will ring-fence its

spending on research, development, test and evaluation

(RDT&E) programmes for future gear at
Staying ahead: the US and future technologies
by Jan Joel Andersson
Advanced Tactics/REX/REX/SI PA
European Union Institute for Security Studies October 2014 1
© EU Institute for Security Studies, 2014. | QN-AL-14-042-2A-N | ISSN 2315-1129
the expense of current procurement. A shift is also

planned within the RDT&E budget itself. Since

spending on RDT&E will remain relatively flat,

the Pentagon wants to further cut its spending

on system development and demonstration (reducing

it from $20 billion in 2009 to $10 billion

in 2018) to protect basic research and early stage

development: the level at which real technology

breakthroughs take place.

The drawback of this focus on future technologies

is that many promising projects still in the pipeline

may never be fielded. With this approach,

the US is expected to produce more prototypes

but not put them into production. To compensate

the military for these ‘gap-years’ of slower modernisation

in the medium term, the Pentagon will

receive more resources to allow the military to finalise

and field short-term technological advances

and upgrades.

Cuts in discretionary spending required by the

Budget Control Act of 2011 have reduced or

slowed down planned purchases over the last

three budgets of a variety of weapons systems

and equipment – such as manned and unmanned

aircraft, helicopters, ships, ground vehicles, and

communication systems. Once current ongoing

major programs (like the replacement of the current

Ohio-class ballistic missile submarines for the

US Navy, the Space Fence for the Air Force, the

WIN-T battlefield network for the US Army, and

the Advanced Air and Missile Defence Radar) are

completed, the expectation is that many newly developed

technologies will be shelved.

This push for leap-frogging ahead requires an element

of risk-taking and a willingness to tolerate

failure. While the US is increasing funding for

Pentagon and Defense Advanced Research Projects

Agency (DARPA) research, private industry is also

expected to increase its own investment in defence

R&D. Between 1999 and 2012, top US defence

industry companies cut their internal R&D

spending by a third. And while some US defence

companies are now slowly reversing this trend,

the majority of companies have yet to do so.
Mind the (transatlantic) gap
A major challenge for the future is the US’ ability

to protect R&D funding in a worsening economic

climate. Unfortunately, not much extra funding

can be expected from Washington’s closest partners,

the member states of the EU and NATO,

since they consistently underspend in the fields of

research, technology and development (RTD).

That Washington is increasingly frustrated by

what it perceives to be European unwillingness to

provide enough investment in military capabilities

and defence research is well known – and has

long been a sore point of contention across the

Atlantic. Over the past ten years, the aggregate

defence expenditures of the 26 members of the

European Defence Agency (EDA) has been about

half of the US total. In GDP terms, this translates

to a 1.6% of GDP spent on defence in the EU compared

to 4.8% in the US. There is also a significant

difference in how money is allocated. While EU

member states spend about 20% of their defence

budgets on investments in new capabilities, the

US share is around 30%. The difference is even

more pronounced when it comes to research and

development. In 2010, EU governments spent a

total of €9 billion on defence R&D – the US €58


There is a risk that Europe may not only lose its

competitive advantage vis-à-vis other actors but

also lose its ability to collaborate with its most important

partner and ally. The difference between

Europe and the US is not only how money is spent

but also on how to approach future technologies.

There is growing concern that Europe is focusing

more on bringing today’s or even yesterday’s

technologies and capabilities to the field then on

developing tomorrow’s potential game-changing

technologies – meaning that transatlantic security

and defence cooperation could become increasingly


A major reason for this concern is that new technologies

and capabilities take a very long time to

develop, are costly to field and, once in place, are

to be around for decades. Any new capabilities

must therefore be able to adapt to various types

of future scenarios. Some capabilities, such as airto-

air refuelling, drones and strategic transport,

are generic capabilities necessary for almost any

future scenario – while others are not.

However, many new technologies in areas of vital

importance to security and defence – such as

satellites, communications networks and cybersecurity

– are increasingly driven by commercial

innovators and not traditional defence industry

companies. The relationship between high-tech,

civil security and military defence have become

increasingly blurred. Given that European industry

is quite advanced and competitive in some of

these areas, there are still opportunities for Europe

to remain in the race to stay ahead in technology.
Jan Joel Andersson is a Senior Analyst at the

European Union Institute for Security Studies October 2014 2

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