that no some people came here knowing
not a single word in Russian and now they know many one young person from Kamchatka is sitting in back rows he's probably unaware of what has been talked about please introduce yourself uh I'm the leader of the United States delegation I'm representing the center for political Innovation uh and I would like to just thank you from the bottom of my heart for that Dynamic interview you gave to Tucker Carlson uh in which you showed many many Young Americans a different kind of leadership because our politicians and our leaders in the United States they speak in sound bites uh they speak in terms of Scandal and gossip but you presented a long-term Vision a scientific view of statecraft and by getting through to Young Americans you made a difference many people who would never have listened to anything you had to say or heard another perspective have heard you because of that interview now getting to my question things between our two countries are not good at this point um you know before we left we had to have a press conference at the United Nations we are concerned about being prosecuted there are three Americans that have already been charged uh and are facing uh prosecution possibly 15 years in prison simply because they attended a conference like this in Russia uh the yuru movement they're called and we are concerned because I know that I speak for the majority of the American people when I say that we do not want our tax money dumped into this conflict in Ukraine any longer we do not want our country to continue to deteriorate internally while our leaders waste money on prolonging this War uh I'm frightened by what the Biden Administration is doing not just in Ukraine uh but also on Taiwan and on the Korean Peninsula and I really do see Gatherings like this as a potential road to peace and what I have SE scene at this Festival has blown my mind the amount of young volunteers that you have here people who have stepped up who love their country and want to just come forward and put together Dynamic events like this what kind of role can events like this and young diplomacy activities like this play in helping set the stage for maybe changing the dangerous Direction our leaders in the United States are taking things against the majority of the wishes of the majority of the people of our country the United States of America is a huge country in its own way over 300 years in over in less in just 300 years which is a small period of time compared to our history but thanks to the talents of the Americans it became a superpower which is an obvious fact we know outstanding American politicians we know outstanding American Business people cultural activists which is an obvious fact we used to be allies during two world wars as we fought Nazism and recently after the war after the Alliance United States and the Soviet Union started dividing the world and successfully and based on these balance of powers they created international relations and created the modern system of international law then the Soviet Union ceased to exist for a number of reasons I will not go into detail but they were mainly internal reasons there is one superpower remaining represented by your country the way your Elites use this opinion the United States failed to bear this burden of responsibility that they happen to Bear they created Monopoly strengthened it I don't mean the American people I mean the ruling Elites while strengthening their Monopoly they soon faced a situation where the overwhelming majority of step they it became obvious to everyone that there is resistance to the forming many including your allies they are keeping their silence here they afraid of speaking up because they're dependent on major economies on mass media and there are a lot of dependencies but believe me I know what I'm talking about too and so they faced failures and disturbances the ruling needs of the United States after achieving the Monopoly of power decided that the previous system of international relations that was built on outcomes of World War II is no longer satisfying for them because the balance of power evolved and hence they decided to change order and when it became clear that not everyone is okay with this uh by this I developments uh they happened without un Security Council sanctions the same applies to Syria Yugoslavia former Yugoslavia without going into detail about root causes there were no decisions or resolutions of un Security Council the United States did let this Genie get out of the bottle if they did so why can't others other countries protect their national interests in the same way as for Yugoslavia my counterpart told me on multiple occasions yes we did so without un Security Council resolution but there were was a Waging 8year War Bloodshed something must be done when Russia however decided to protect their people in the donbas which fac a war with elderly with children being killed why cannot Russia do the same while protecting their own people not some thousands of kilometers away from their National borders instead on the border of their own country and people were waiting for us to help without going into the detail my point is to understand that the world cannot be controlled from one pole and which is detrimental to that pole itself as it undermines the foundation and in the your compatriot Mr Coulson I said that dollar is been undermined as uh they forbid to use dollar for settlements they seek quick results instead of gaining one they only undermine their National currency they attain an opposite result and this is true for many areas in my opinion this is a wrong policy but the youth returning to your question can do many many things without interfering in domestic processes without uh describing uh or giving descriptions of the behavior of presidential candidates it is just a part of the national culture but youth can contribute in building state-to-state relations what would be the procedure they can just speak up domestically within law within their constitution it is the only way the only option in no way do we call upon uh any activity is of Disobedience but it is a possibility to speak up in their own country and I think this is a way to go in my opinion this is going to pave the way for non-state forms of contact in order to create conditions for improving relations on state to state level too thank you very much for
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