Saturday, May 25, 2024

What are the Americans doing on our borders?! Putin, Russia, Ukraine, Be...

Bloggers note: Western governments with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries directed by the United State of America are making me, a Canadian, concerned and very nervous.   

In my opinion: The WEST is becoming its own worst enemy .....and its becoming more and more transparent. ...By continuing to push the bear to the wall , the Eagle may not escape the the teeth of the bear.  .....I personally, am loosing confidence in the USA lead approach and tensions must be reduced and we must accept the important role the Russian federation must play in EUROPE .... The on going war the American are waging here ,will destroy Europe and all of us in the west . OUR populations are treated like GOYIN.... and we are beginning to feel it daily, in our livelihood. Our own governments are legislating us out of the American dream. All of the Americas live like what was called once transient people...our streets remind us of the 1930 great depression, mind you in a microscopic way .but in each of our cities. 

HERE I MUST INCLUED The term "gentile" is best translated in Hebrew as גוי (goy). The plural is גויים (goyim). The term translates back into English as ''nation'' or ''nations.'' In many contexts throughout the Hebrew Bible, it is used to mean people who are not Jewish in a very general sense.




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