Friday, August 2, 2024

Shooter's Computer Reveals TERRIFYING New Footage In Court




report emerges about Trump's rally
shooter and his online search is the
only solid evidence till now against him
FBI has claimed that some disturbing
files found on Trump's Shooters computer
can push many other big names into
trouble as well hidden messages on his
computer Thomas krooks flew a drone a
commercially available drone over the
site uh which perhaps could have helped
him plan his attack so the guy who went
after Trump had some seriously creepy
stuff in his search history which left
everyone even more freaked out right
before he died he said something super
disturbing that still puzzling
investigators and everyone trying to
figure out what went down turns out this
wasn't totally out of the blue the
attacker had been doing some shady stuff
online for a while posting cryptic
messages about something big happening
on July 14th 2024 at the time no one
really knew what he was talking about
then on that exact day he went after
Trump Thomas Matthew Crooks the guy who
attacked Trump at the rally in Butler PA
Alle ly posted a chilling message online
hinting at his Sinister plans for that
day July 13th will be my Premiere watch
as it unfolds the 20-year-old shooter
supposedly wrote on Steam a popular
platform for gamers according to Fox
News investigators are now trying to
figure out if the post is legit this
foreshadowing message was shared with US
senators during a briefing by top law
enforcement officials during a
congressional briefing lawmakers were
told that Thomas Crooks had hinted
online about making headlines two senior
US law enforcement officials informed n
NBC news that the FBI is working to
confirm if the steam account is really
Crooks and if he actually made the post
GOP Senators left the briefing pretty
dissatisfied minority leader Mitch
McConnell even called for new leadership
at the Secret Service afterward however
Secret Service spokesman Anthony
Guglielmi said continuity of operations
is Paramount during a critical incident
and US secret service director Kimberly
cheel has no intentions to step down he
added she deeply respects members of
Congress and is fiercely committed to
transparency in leading the Secret
Service through the internal
investigation and strengthening the
agency through Lessons Learned in these
important internal and external reviews
an NBC news report revealed that a steam
user profile under the name Thomas M
Crooks had its handle changed from a
previous username on Sunday afternoon
the day after the shooting this info
comes from Steam ID a site that tracks
steam user pages but isn't affiliated
with steam or valve the profile had a
widely circulated picture of crooks as
its Avatar and included language that
seemed to foreshadow the attack the
profile active since May 2023 had
previously used usernames like blubber
and Bubbles according to steam ID it's
still unclear when the attack related
language was added to the profile but he
has searched a lot for this profile the
Trump rally Shooter had been searching
online for info about the Michigan Mass
shooter and his parents who were
prosecuted for a 2021 high school
shooting on November 30th 2021 a mass
shooting took place at Oxford High
School in Michigan Ethan Robert Crumbley
a 15-year-old used a 9mm semi-automatic
handgun to kill four students and injur
seven others including a teacher
Crumbley was arrested and charged as an
adult with 24 crimes including murder
and terrorism he pleaded guilty to all
charges in October 2022 and was
sentenced to life without parole plus an
additional 24 years in December 2023 new
details about the shooter before the
attempted assassination of Donald Trump
officials say he researched the arrest
of the Michigan school shooter and the
prosecution and ultimately conviction of
his parents trumble's parents Jennifer
and and James Crumbley were charged with
involuntary manslaughter for failing to
secure the handgun used in the shooting
they missed their arraignment sparking a
Manhunt by the US Marshals and were
eventually caught and arrested in
Detroit the crumblies were tried and
convicted separately of four counts of
involuntary manslaughter and were
jointly sentenced on April 9th 2024 to
the maximum of 15 years in prison with
the possibility of parole after 10 years
so does this mean he was actually
planning for the attack for a very long
time moreover he also visited websites
for how to build explosives and he also
remained a member of a shooting club a
gun club on the outskirts of Pittsburgh
found itself in the National Spotlight
after one of its members attempted to
assassinate former president Donald
Trump on Saturday clerton Sportsman's
Club condemned the senseless act of
violence in a statement Sunday
acknowledging that the shooter Thomas
Matthew krooks 20 was a member the
extent of krook's involvement at the
club is still unclear this week its
president a former employee and a past
member defended its reputation as a safe
familyfriendly place that emphasizes
firearm safety Bill Cito the club's
president said in a phone call Tuesday
that violence is not in our culture what
happened Saturday was a horrifically
terrible thing we're just sick about it
he said I mean that's not us I don't
know what else to say about that it's
impacting the club there's a bunch of us
that have slept about a few hours in the
last 3 days sitting on 180 Acres at the
top of a roughly Half Mile Road about a
30-minute drive from the crooks family
home clerton Sportsman's Club is one of
the larger gun clubs in the area
according to Charles Rond nelli a
freelance writer who has written columns
for gun enthusiasts for the Pittsburgh
Tribune Review it's a very nice club he
said but all of the clubs around here as
far as I know are very nice they promote
healthy shooting the club has about 2
through2 200 members celito said
families with children women and young
adults make up a large proportion of its
paying customers although he declined to
provide specific numbers and some
pictures found in his computer suggest
that he might be controlled by some
upper hand or Trump's opponent had
photos on his phone of the former
Republican president President Joe Biden
and other officials including attorney
general Merrick Garland and FBI director
Chris Ray according to two people
familiar with the matter investigators
searching Thomas Matthew krook's devices
have also found that the shooter looked
up the dates for the Democratic National
Convention as well as Trump's
appearances according to the people who
spoke to the Associated Press on the
condition of anonymity to discuss
details of the ongoing probe the shooter
had also searched for information about
major depressive disorder according to
three people familiar with the
investigation but investig ators have
not yet determined whether he was
actually diagnosed with the disorder one
of the people said Studies have shown
that the vast majority of people with
mental illnesses are not violent and
experts say most people who are violent
do not have mental illnesses on a
conference call with reporters Sunday
Kevin roek a special agent in charge of
the Pittsburgh field office said we have
no indication of any mental health
issues Crooks used an AR style rifle
which authorities said was purchased
legally by his father investigators also
found he brought multiple loaded magazin
he also bought 50 rounds on the day of
the shooting authorities found a
bulletproof vest in his car and another
rudimentary explosive device at his home
over the past few months he had received
several packages there including some
that had potentially hazardous material
speculation is swirling with some people
even wondering if Biden had a hand in
the attack in a bold statement to his
donors on Monday President Joe Biden
declared that he is done talking about
the debate urging the Democratic party
to refocus its efforts on the real
challenge ahead Donald Trump with the
political landscape becoming
increasingly fraught with distractions
Biden emphasized the need for Unity and
Clarity of purpose within the party he
implored his supporters to set aside any
internal squabbles and concentrate on
the Urgent task of confronting the
former president's influence and
policies Biden's call to action reflects
a strategic pivot aiming to Galvanize
the party as they navigate the
complexities of the upcoming election
cycle we need to move forward look we
have roughly 40 days till the convention
120 days till the election we can't
waste any more time being distracted
Biden said in a private call with donors
Monday according to a recording obtained
by Politico I have one job and that's to
beat Donald Trump I'm absolutely certain
I'm the best person to be able to do
that so we're done talking about the
debate it's time to put Trump in a
bullseye Biden said President Joe Biden
recently delivered a forceful message to
hundreds of top Democratic donors and
bundlers in the National finance
committee underscoring his determination
to solidify party Unity amid growing
internal descent this message part of a
broader strategy to stem defections
within the Democratic party highlights
the the urgency with which Biden and his
allies are addressing emerging fractures
earlier in the day Biden sent a fiery
missive to Congressional Democrats
unequivocally declaring his intention to
remain in the presidential race despite
calls from approximately half a dozen
members for him to step aside this
adamant stance signals Biden's resolve
to lead and his confidence in his
administration's Direction aiming to
reassure supporters and consolidate his
position compounding the political
Intrigue recent developments have
suggested potential Democratic
involvement in the recent assassination
attempt on former president Donald Trump
the FBI's ongoing investigation has
uncovered links between the shooter and
Democratic affiliations adding a layer
of complexity and controversy to an
already tense political landscape these
Revelations have intensified scrutiny on
the Democratic party prompting debates
about ideological extremism and the
potential for political violence within
mainstream politics Biden's proactive
communication to his supporters and
Congressional colleagues underscores his
commitment to maintaining control and
cohesion within the party meanwhile the
unfolding investigation into the
assassination attempt on Trump raises
critical questions about the
intersection of political rivalry and
security as these events continue to
evolve the Democratic party faces
significant challenges in navigating
internal divisions and addressing the
broader implications of these startling
developments the bottom line is that the
Trump rally was a rally that he should
have been able to can be conducted
peacefully without any problem but the
idea the idea that there political
violence or violence in America like
this is just unheard of it's just not
appropriate several donors who
participated in the call described
President Biden as forceful and Resolute
during the meeting he took four
questions one of which was about his
plans for the next debate in response
Biden outlined his strategy with a
succinct and assertive declaration
attack attack attack according to one
participant this aggressive stance
highlights Biden's determination to
confront his opponent's headon and
underscores his commitment to a vigorous
campaign as he seeks to Galvanize
support and maintain his leadership
position within the Democratic party
Biden repeatedly stressed that he would
not be leaving the race I'm telling you
I'm not going anywhere folks I'm in this
to the end and I'm going to beat Trump I
promise you he also highlighted the
grassroot support he observed during his
10-day cross-country tour after the
debate which took him from Georgia to
Wisconsin to Pennsylvania the
enthusiastic backing from local
communities reinforced his campaign's
momentum Biden expressed his gratitude
to his donors for their unwavering
support acknowledging their crucial role
in sustaining his efforts and propelling
his campaign forward I appreciate you
hanging in there with me I realize
you're getting a lot of heat he said
instead of airing public concerns about
his campaign Biden argued that the party
should focus its eye on Trump he
criticized the former president for
getting away with doing nothing for the
last 10 days except driving around in
his golf cart bragging about scores he
doesn't score Biden emphasized that
Democrats needed to concentrate on the
real issues at stake such as what Trump
would do to abortion rights Medicare
Social Security and prescription drug
prices if reelected despite Biden's call
to Unity and his strategic focus on
Trump lingering concern and frustration
persist within the high dollar donor
Community about Biden's ability to beat
Trump in the upcoming November election
these doubts underscore the challenges
Biden faces in reassuring his base and
securing the confidence of his most
influential supporters I'm hearing from
a lot of people who think he should get
out and I'm not getting a whole lot of
he should stay in said one donor on the
call who spoke on the condition of
anonymity I've also had people tell me
I'm not giving anymore Thomas Matthew
Crooks history but was Crooks a
professional assassin that was hired by
some upper hands they know that he went
to his employer at the nursing home
where he works as a dietary specialist
before this and said I need Saturday off
I have something important to do um but
he told his co-workers I'll see you on
Sunday so Thomas Matthew krooks is the
guy who tried to take out Trump on July
13 2024 during a rally near Butler
Pennsylvania Crooks took aim at Trump
with an AR-15 from a rooftop while Trump
was giving a speech he hit Trump in the
ear ended up killing one person and
critically injured two more before the
Secret Service snipers took him down he
was bullied almost every day in what way
can you explain um I mean he would sit
alone at lunch I mean he was just an
outcast and you know how kids are
nowadays so it's true that before
becoming an attacker Thomas Matthew
Crooks was just a regular person born on
September 20th 2003 in bethl Park
Pennsylvania he grew up in what was
considered a middle to upper middle
class Neighborhood his parents were both
licensed professional counselors and he
had a solid academic background at bethl
Park High School he excelled joining the
National Technical Honor Society in 2021
and graduating with high honors in 2022
he even snagged a $500 Star Award from
the national Math and Science initiative
despite his achievements something led
him down a very different path classmat
and school officials said Thomas Matthew
Crooks was pretty quiet and often
bullied some of the teasing was because
of his quiet Nature body odor and the
fact that he wore camouflage hunting
clothes and surgical masks to school
despite the bullying and some threats
the school said their records don't show
any issues with Crooks related to these
incidents he liked playing chess and
video games and was into learning how to
program computers he even took a
computer tech program at the steel
Center for Career and Technical
education there were some rumors that he
tried out for the school's Rifle Team
but didn't make it because of poor aim
but the bethl Park School District said
they don't have any record of him trying
out Thomas Matthew krooks had recently
earned an associate degree in
engineering science from the Community
College of alagan County graduating just
two months before the attack at the time
of the shooting he was working as a
dietary aid at a local nursing home
where he had passed a background check
and was described as doing his job well
he had been accepted into both the
University of Pittsburgh and Robert
Morris University with plans to attend

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