Friday, January 3, 2025

Former NATO Soldier WARNS World





As a former British soldier who served in NATO's Wars
I've never been more concerned for the future of humanity.
We have nuclear armed states squaring up to each other
we have Ukraine backed by nuclear powers facing a nuclear power
firing missiles into nuclear power's territory.
The Ukraine war could take us all down with it.
At the same time happening you have Israel led by Netanyahu
desperate to hold on to power.
Itself a nuclear armed state backed by nuclear armed states looking at Iran
as a way to extend his own hold on power.
Things are really, really dire at the moment.
And we have to be very clear now that criticising this march to war
is not treacherous or traitorous and it shouldn't be seen in that way
it's really about survival potentially human survival.
It's very clear to me having been in the military that the vast majority of people
who fight and die and are injured and traumatised in the wars
are not the children of the people who advance the narrow foreign policy goals,
they're not the ruling classes kids they're not Tony Blair's kids.
They are overwhelmingly the children of the poor working class
maybe the lower middle class who go and fight and suffer in these wars.
And that's just the people we're sending it will also be the case
that the people who are affected the civilians who were caught up in the wars
at the other end and that should be intolerable to us.
I think one of the problems is that the the political class
feel they can get away with it.
Joe Biden, Kier Starmer, David Lammy, Macron,
the Western leaders as an entity
none of you would fight on the the front line
and you certainly wouldn't expect your kids to so don't expect us to either.
It seems mad the way they back genocide in Gaza
with the full spectrum of military equipment on a civilian population
while carrying on in the completely opposite way in terms of their rhetoric
and their actions with Russia and Ukraine.
It's such a powerful thing to see it, see that hypocrisy operating at the same time.
It's not that long ago that Kier Starmer commented very powerfully
on the ICC's issuing of arrest an against Vladimir Putin
over a year later the ICC came out
with arrest warrants for Gallant and Netanyahu
and Starmer is yet to even comment on it.
This is just the latest example of how the  facade of international law this idea of a  
global rules-based order is coming apart as the  West's own institutions like the ICC which is  
one of the highest CTS created by the west and it  seems like the West isn't even willing to enforce  
its own laws this is a sign of decay in Western  institutions and it could be seen as a precursor  
to global war Biden is very busy sending arms  to Ukraine he's trying to make sure that it  
won't be easy for Donald Trump to come into power  take office in January and just turn off the tap  
there have to be questions about Biden's Fitness  we've certainly seen in recent years evidence to  
suggest there are limitations on his abilities  and this is a man who is making decisions which  
quite literally decide the future of the world  but I don't think the real power rels with him  
obviously there are corporate interests there  are insiders in Washington who are a kind of  
permanent government if you like and there are  arms firms big corporations who are actually  
making these decisions which shape Imperial  politics in Washington and by extension shape  
the politics of allies around the world including  us in Britain here starm has been quite tight  
lipped on the use of a relatively small amount  of missiles at 2 million a pop in case of the  
Storm Shadow missiles what the rationale is for  sending them to be used cuz there are so few and  
it doesn't seem like they can really make a major  tactical change or a strategic change to the war  
in Ukraine and we also have to consider Putin's  use of hypersonic ballistic missiles part of  
retaliation he's sending a message he's using  missiles which could have a nuclear payload on  
them and there's this kind of sense of escalation  back and forth between Ukraine by which we also  
mean by extension the west and Russia and I  think by doing that he's sending a message  
he's saying there could be mushroom clouds over  Kiev and I think it just adds to the sense of  
tension and danger which we have at the moment  Putin's just Rewritten Russian nuclear Doctrine  
so that he would be able to retaliate not just if  they're attack by a nuclear state but if they're  
attacked by a state whose weapons were supplied  by nuclear state so this is a very very precarious  
situation it seems like there's a real ramping  up there's a sense of something quite awful of  
something kind of uncoiling of this threat of war  uncoiling in a way that we haven't seen for many  
many years so we've recently seen NATO Chief  Mark rut talking about the need to change the  
trajectory of the war in Ukraine and we can kind  of in a sense we can get behind that I mean it's  
not a bad idea we need to change it um away from  a nuclear war obviously but there is a question  
I think about how well NATO is positioned to do  that we have an organization which is Cold War  
Relic there to advance Western American Imperial  power there has to be a question about how well  
positioned NATO is to alter the trajectory of  this war in a positive sense it could certainly  
help alter it in a really negative sense where we  can see broader conf spilling into other countries  
and we have to remember always that there are  nuclear Powers involved you can imagine a scenario  
the scenario was reversed that if Russia was  pushing up bases positioning missiles in Canada  
and in Mexico the countries around the us or its  colonies you can imagine what the response would  
be to that I mean it probably be all out War it'd  be all out aggression we're not pro- Russia when  
we say that but it would be good if the Western  countries Britain and the US would just think  
about operating at a consistent standard because  the hypocrisy and double standard is really really  
apparent foreign policy consensus is maintained  farmed guarded by a tiny group of people many  
of them whom have vested interests and it is  completely opposite to the general consensus in  
the polls around the world west and elsewhere in  terms of support for the wars in Gaza the wars in  
Ukraine and what it speaks to is just a complete  disengage between the ruling class and the rest of  
the world between the people who make and enforce  this foreign policy consensus which is completely  
discredit credited it's the consensus which gave  us Iraq and Afghanistan and no one's apologizing  
for those anymore us defense spending in 2023  was nudging a trillion dollars and the US defense  
budget is 40% of world of global defense spending  of which billions and billions of billions under  
the AIS under the guise of it going to to allies  like Ukraine actually just go straight into the  
pockets of global arms firms you can imagine just  taking a fraction of that put it into dealing with  
just the basic problems of America a country with  with no Health Care like we enjoy just a fraction  
of that into the opiate crisis into poverty you  can imagine the difference it would make but  
because of this consensus which is austerity  at home and aggression and violence overseas  
that money which could be used to help people is  just thrown into the gutter of war and militarism  
according to K STA and Rachel reefs they have  decided that we have to suffer advancing what  
are clearly Tory policies we have to suffer but at  the same time there are vast billions billions of  
pounds which can just be fritted away supporting  Israel in its genocides pouring arms and Munitions  
into Ukraine in a war that might devastate the  world let alone the region and it just seems to  
me that it cannot stand and we have to think  about how we're going to change that and stop  
looking to Parliament get up off our knees and  think about how we can do it how we can do it how  
workingclass people can do it how normal people  can develop a foreign policy and a domestic policy  
and proper Provisions for welfare and housing  all these really important things the real  
stuff is it's always the case you have to do it  yourself in the end not all of us all remember  
but in the ' 80s there was a fascinating artistic  intervention in the form of a film called threads  
set in Sheffield of all places which was about  the true phase of nuclear war and what happens  
afterwards as everyone's going watch it it's a  really kind of totemic really powerful culture  
is really important we need to revitalize  that humans are capable of incredible things  
of making incredible art making incredible culture  of empathy and of working together and the tragedy  
is particularly against the background of Wars  threatening is that a small Elite of people in  
pursuit of their own enrichment have forced all  these wonderful and amazing and empathetic people  
of all their creative potential into a system uh  which drives us increasingly towards war and that  
is a terrifying thing and I think there's a choice  here about which way we go next particularly under  
the threat of nuclear Armageddon and how we think  about our tactics and our strategies for getting  
there getting to that better place as someone who  believes in change from below and studies history  
from below I think we need to talk about a proper  workingclass foreign policy and where that comes  
from a proper foreign policy from below and we  need to talk about that in terms of the anti-war  
movement as it is now and how we start to tie that  together I think we need to re-energize the peace  
movement a re-energize CND re-energize stop the  war but then we also look at the targeted direct  
action stuff with Israeli arms manufacturers in  the UK for example great stuff Insurgent stuff  
there's people out they're putting their freedom  on the line and losing it in some cases then we  
have to look at the the missing what's missing in  this and I think it's organized workers unionized  
workers there are some really good signs there's  been some really good stuff in the last year from  
the United Auto Workers in the US many of whom are  veterans who've seen the other end of War as well  
who are talking about how we can stop arms being  deployed about the role of work class power in  
that particularly in terms of workers in airports  Dockers workers who control vital choke points  
in the economy and how we combine those with the  protest movement with the more direct action based  
slowing down the arms trade shipments of weapons  and we need that kind of unity across those three  
different tactics and how you make them synergized  I think what's missing is organized labor doing  
stuff there is a long history of direct action  workers stopping armed ship Dockers for example  
stopping armed shipments going in and out and if  the working class decides and this is a question  
about how we formulate our own power how we think  about ourselves and what we can do stop waiting  
for politicians to do it because if the working  class decides nothing moves economies closed down  
that has to be the way forward because the working  class needs to flex its muscle when it comes to  
Wars because it will be your kids if you're a  worker and you who will be sent to die in them  
in times like these it becomes very clear that  voices for peace and reason have very little space  
in the media and so now it's more important than  ever to support independent journalists like us at  

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