Friday, January 31, 2025

Trump, US decline, and global chaos - Robert D Kaplan interview | US pol...

.Bloggers Note with transcript: The EMPIRES declining into ....ummm


 In this interview, renowned geopolitical analyst Robert D Kaplan argues that American power has been in decline for years, and this will likely get worse under Trump. "This time around Trump is more experienced, he's more vindictive," Kaplan says. He explores what this means for geopolitics, in particular in relation to other "great powers" China and Russia. Kaplan also explains his view that "a world where all the great powers are declining... will lead not to a fairer world, a better world, but to more chaos" Robert D Kaplan is the author most recently of Waste Land: A World in Permanent Crisis, which will be published in January. He holds the Robert Strausz-Hupé Chair in Geopolitics at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. He spoke to the New Statesman's Kate Lamble for the New Statesman podcast.


important moment in that story the United States  cannot order events in the world the way it used  
to the Middle East was very was relatively quiet  for decades under American tutelage when there was  
an Arab Israeli War was the Americans who quickly  ended it essentially that's no longer the cas  
case the Americans used to dominate the Asia  Pacific now China does so America's place in  
the world is weaker uh than it used to be  America is poorer than it used to be and  
America is more decadent than it used to be  I think as American power or the exercise of  
American power is based on two things one which  most people grasp but not enough which is it's  
B based on presidential Instinct the president  makes choices a number of choices a day on issues  
that of great issues of War and Peace and also  many issues that the bureaucracy cannot decide  
upon and gets kicked up to the White House when  the National Security advisor says Mr President  
here we've got like four choices to make on  this and you make it now during the Cold War  
we had a number of excellent presidents from  Harry Truman to George HW Bush Jimmy Carter who  
just died it was actually the weakest of those  presidents in terms of presidential Instinct on  
foreign policy despite all the great things that  have been written about him in the past two weeks  
he was the weakest um since the end of the Cold  War um the pre the quality of the presidency has  
declined in terms of presidential Instinct we've  had Clinton George W bush who may have been the  
worst president of the last few decades um Obama  who was a mediocrity Clinton was a mediocrity and  
then there's Trump you know who is a world  historical figure because he's so different  
than anyone else so the quality of presidential  Instinct has gone down significantly then there's  
the other thing that nobody writes about or talks  about but which is 80% of foreign policy and  
that's the bureaucracy not just the secretaries  of state and defense but the uh the deputy  
secretaries the under secretaries the assistant  secretaries of which there are many the deputy  
assistant secretaries America has been an Empire  since 1945 and it's this layered bureaucracy  
that runs the Empire and under Trump as I argue  in the piece this bureaucracy had went downhill  
dramatically between 2017 and 2021 and is and  is set to go down dramatically again because  
the quality of people that Trump appoints whatever  you may think of the quality under Biden another  
mediocrity and others was much higher under under  all the previous presidents with the exception of  
trump yeah what's the difference in Trump's second  term between I mean he's already been president  
for four years what's different this time around  well he's he's got some experience he knows that  
he because when he came in the first time not only  had he no experience with the presidency but he  
didn't even know anybody who is in government  essentially you know he had no knowledge he  
thought he could press a button and things would  happen and that's not how it works uh what's  
amazing is how weak the presidency is as a general  institution I mean it's made for weak managers not  
for uh World historical figures like Roosevelt  and Lincoln who are the exceptions to the rule so  
Trump didn't know that Trump and this time around  Trump is more experienced he's more vindictive um  
and he you know he's got people around him many  of whom have no experience in the bureaucracy  
many of whom hate the very bureaucracies they've  beeno they've been empowered to run um and so uh  
we're going to see a decline in American power in  the 80% that's run by the bureaucracy as far as  
the presidential Instinct decisions that could  go in either way Trump is very unpredictable  
because he has no well-thought out world viw I  mean you talk about the political power but you're  
also right about the economics in America at the  moment and and how that's in Decline tell us about  
that well in 1945 when World War II ended half  of the world's manufacturing capacity was in the  
United States um and that lasted for decades it  it declined very gradually one of the reasons why  
why you know Kissinger and Nixon could do so much  is because America was much more powerful then you  
know now Amer America accounts for only 16% of the  world's manufacturing capacity then there's the  
debt uh which is about $ 36 trillion and growing  dramatically at about a trillion dollars a year  
and this and neither party neither the Republicans  nor the Dem Democrats have anywhere near the  
maturity and fiscal discipline to deal with the  debt it's it's amazing I mean when you watch  
Congress debate the budget it's like the last  days of ancient Rome I mean there is nobody in  
the room who's even remotely responsible they just  want to spend and spend and spend um each party on  
different things and this debt accumulates and  takes up more of the budget and there's less  
money to spend on defense on social issues it's  like a building problem and as I lay out in the  
peace this is how Empires decline over history  you know it's not you you know it's not just  
ancient Rome it's you know most Empires throughout  history have decline because of economic reasons  
and because of reasons related indirectly to  economic reasons if we're talking about about  
an Empire falling you said that the US has been an  Empire since 1945 is its decline inevitable can it  
be stopped if someone decided to it's absolutely  not inevitable I make two points in the piece that  
America definitely is in Decline but also I point  out that China is in a steeper Decline and that  
Russia is in an even steeper decline so decline is  relative America could Decline and yet its power  
Visa Russia and China even under terrible  leadership could increase because it's  
all relative there is no absolute here so we're  really facing a world where all the great powers  
are declining and that as I point out at the end  of the piece will lead not to a fairer world a  
better world but to more chaos I was interested  that you wrote that the US could be left in an  
era of oil and gas of print and the typewriter are  you suggesting that there's sort of a sciance on  
fossil fuels the resources that US the US has  that means that they can't get ahead of future  
manufacturing these sort of new America was a  great um printon typewriter age Empire because  
most of its history was under what I call the  greater print and typewriter age from the founding  
fathers all the way to take a take a pick 1960s  1970s 1980s essentially then something happened  
America became a pure democracy the founding  fathers were actually afraid of pure democracy  
Madison was against it he wanted a republic not  a democracy all right what's the difference the  
difference is in a republic the elites decide but  the people get to change the elites every four  
years for decades the party leaders in so-called  Smoke Filled rooms behind the scenes decided  
who would be the candidates for president and  though that was undemocratic and sleazy it  
actually worked very well had the party leaders  made those still been in power in 2017 in 2016  
Trump never would have been the Republican nominee  Jeb Bush would have been the Republican nominee  
and he would have go gone on to be a a very good  president like his father not like his brother um  
essentially see people forget all of this and  so now we have a pure democracy with primaries  
for each state which means that the most extreme  person wins uh uh essentially because primaries  
draw out the most extreme voters and so instead  of Elites deciding the two candidates um we have  
pure democracy deciding it and the result has been  worse we've talked about the decline economically  
the decline politically if we put that together  what does it mean for the US's place on the  
world stage uh because China and Russia are also  declining and faster I think the US's place on the  
world's stage will still be very very significant  but but not as significant as it used to be you  
can say what you want about great Powers you can  hate them all this but a world of great Powers is  
is a more stable world than a world where there's  no no great powers or very weaken great Powers  
you'd have more for instance W without the United  States Navy over the last few decades you probably  
would have had more Wars between India and China  because with the American Navy in the Indian Ocean  
and the Western Pacific it essentially stabilized  the situation in many ways a lot of things like  
this just wouldn't happen it's not a matter of  doing good it's a matter of preventing worse  
things from happening let's say there is no other  country poised to take over from the US which  
means that we end up I mean is there any chance  that you could end up with a more equal world  
order if there's not one dominant power it could  be more equal but also more ineffectual I mean the  
UN is equal and it's totally ineffectual I mean  that's the world you know um you the problem with  
the UN is not the UN per se it's that it's you  know it's the fact that um France is a member  
of the security Council and India which is much  more powerful and consequential than France is  
not you know um but you know equality doesn't  lead to to capability necessarily so what does  
a world without one dominant great power look  like a world of more chaos and Anarchy a world  
of more Wars let's look at the Middle East for  for the past even before October 7th 2023 the  
real problem in the Middle East is that it was  the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and there's  
been no solution found to that collapse and  and without any Imperial overriding Force the  
Americans are weaker less respected in the Middle  East the Russians are weaker you know than they  
used to be in the Middle East China is interested  in terms of trade and economics but so far not in  
great power military um political means the Middle  East has been on its own without great powers to  
oversee the situation so to speak and that has  led to Warfare tremendous Warfare one thing we're  
going to see probably I've been saying this for 20  years now everybody's saying it um which is that  
we'll probably see a new regime in Iran uh so and  maybe even in 2025 certainly in the next few years  
you you talk of a world of more more chaos is  this something that one of our listeners in the UK  
should be worried about should should think about  the consequences in the future if if the US loses  
its dominance yeah see chaos or Anarchy are words  that are overused in the media I mean the you know  
if there's a crisis at 10 Downing Street there's  chaos that's all nonsense it's utter nonsense when  
I mean chaos I I mean driving outside the capital  of kinaza and the Congo and there's no government  
there are just militias with guns and roadblocks  I'm talking about the kind of chaos where people  
don't worry about politics they just worry about  the safety of themselves and their children and  
we'll see more of that I think we there's already  a lot of it but it's not written about because  
it's beyond the radar screen you know essentially  you know it's almost a normal way of doing things  
like Haiti is an extreme example so we read  about it but only occasionally what needs to  
change to avoid that situation you said that this  decline wasn't inevitable that that it could be  
corrected is there something that either the  Democrats or the Republicans have any interest  
in changing no because uh Washington is in a  very decadent state it's controlled by money  
and in Trump's second Administration proximity to  power proximity to the president will determine  
how much money B multi-billionaires make they  won't have to go through the bureaucracy which  
is how stable states do it you you know you have  to apply for permits you know there's a Security  
and Exchange Commission one of the threats of  a second Trump term is that money has taken  
over the presidency and all about it look at  Elon Musk I I mean you know it's not enough  
that he's worth $50 billion or so but he has to  determine policy as well um so that's what I worry  
about it's it's it's the effect of money in um in  Congress in the White House ironically the people  
who are the most honest and the least wealthy and  the most hardworking are the very deep state that  
everybody attacks you know um the Deep state is  actually very good it's made of clean cut people  
earning regular salaries not from wealthy parents  and uh and often have extremely good judgment on  
the parts of the world that they're experts on  the Deep state has been used to define people  
who nobody knows who they are who are really  running things behind the scenes and that's true  
because uh you know a great power needs a great  bureaucracy so what needs to change to avoid that  
fate that you've laid out that possibility  when you get a slide like this where you can  
identify the problems but you don't know what  to do about it um what needs to change is some  
radical new leadership um and it's possible I'm  not discounting it completely that that you know  
that the upheaval under Trump could give America a  new start because remember if you look at American  
history we had the founders who were basic and  their sons who were the first six presidents  
then there was a dramatic change with the seventh  president when Andrew Jackson replaced John Quincy  
Adams and you CA you got in all these corrupt  ruun characters from the frontier which was  
then Tennessee Kentucky and places like that  and the founders were absolutely shocked just  
like the elite today is shocked at Trump you know  when they lost these Virginians and uh bostonians  
lost control to these ruffe corrupt people from  the Appalachians essentially and it was corrupt  
and it was free willing but over time it led to a  more Democratic Society and then we had other in  
es I won't go into where um you had other  upheavals that were seen as the end of the  
world at the time but in fact led to a rebirth  of American statehood so I don't discount the  

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