Tuesday, July 30, 2024

HIGH ALERT! NATO Just Crossed Putin's Red Line with this Massive Attack ...

..with Transcripts



who's really running the executive

branch of the United States government
our next guest says we are witnessing
the subversion of the office of the US
Presidency I'm not sure if you're
familiar but a number of executive
orders have been signed over the past
few weeks and months is it President
Biden actually signing these executive
orders what are these executive orders
doing other than subverting the power of
the United States and taking away the
power of the US voter in the hand of
some deep State oligarchs also over the
weekend we saw a major escalation
between the United States NATO and
Russia are we barreling towards nuclear
war our next guest is Colonel Douglas
McGregor welcome back to the show
Colonel great to see you thanks happy to
be here clay well it's my pleasure let's
start with the presidency right now
we'll get to Russia and the major uh
pieces of news over the weekend there
because that seems like it's all part of
this deep State agenda you've seen as
you've called out a number of these
executive orders that have been signed
over the past few weeks we see VI we see
President Biden of course now stepping
aside at the at the will of President
Obama calling for with the use of the
25th amendment that he would be pushed
out of office in your experience being
in Washington DC being inside the
Pentagon serving president Trump who do
you think is running the show inside of
The White House right now is it
Biden no I don't think it is and there's
president for the this uh let me talk a
little bit about what happened in the
past and then talk specifically about
President Biden's condition uh President
woodro Wilson suffered a stroke and was
effectively incapable of exercising his
powers as president and his wife
literally stepped into the vacuum and
ran the federal government ran the White
House now of course she had a lot of
help and she was a smart woman and she
knew what her pres her her husband
wanted so it was not immediately uh
obvious to everyone that that Wilson was
out of it but he was effectively out of
business as president of the United
States this is after World War I so
we've been through this before the
second time I would argue is when FDR
was elected for his final term uh he was
effectively a dead man and after he was
inaugurated in 1945 in January he lasted
60 days before dying so he was
effectively dead for all intents and
purposes when he was elected so there
were people doing his business for him
we now know in retrospect that included
people like Harry Hopkins and Harry
Dexter white uh Harry Dexter white was
an nkvd agent working directly for
Stalin uh and we think Harry Hopkins
probably was at at the very least a
knowing accomplice for Harry Dexter
white so they continued the destructive
policies that led to the occupation of
Eastern Europe and absolutely
unconditional assistance to the Soviet
Union which made Stalin the real Victor
in the second world war so those are two
examples we've been through before it
appears right now that President Biden
hasn't really been in complete control
of his faculties for some time I recall
an incident two and a half years ago and
this was clearly an accident and I don't
know what what whether it was CNN or NBC
or who who was doing the filming at the
time but he was sitting at his his desk
and he was making some statements and uh
kamla Harris stood immediately behind
him and uh someone put a document for
his signature in front of him I I can't
recall if that was an executive order or
something else but he looked down and he
said oh what is this and she leaned over
and she said just sign it and so he said
oh yes and he signed it I I think he's
been signing away uh all sorts of things
left and right uh effectively a puppet
for the people who are in in Washington
I think that's was a design from the
very beginning this is an excessively
old man who no longer had complete
control of his faculties someone that
could be manipulated and pushed in the
direction that they wanted to go as
little as I think of Biden and as flawed
a person as he is I don't think that a
younger Biden 20 years ago would have
willfully or voluntarily signed off on
most of these executive orders because
at least in his past he demonstrated
some Devotion to the country and its
Integrity as a state uh the things that
he's been indulging in are things that
are absolutely destructive to the United
States whether it's open
borders uh effectively talking
about you know allowing people to stay
in this country in perpetuity by
offering some form of amnesty uh
essentially dis disassembling our
criminal justice system by releasing
criminals onto the streets you've got to
go through all these executive orders
and look at the the consequences of them
I I really don't believe that the
younger Biden would have done those
things so I think this has been going on
for a long time and this is why I argued
strongly that he should be removed and
replaced by someone who's actually
competent now we know that that means
inevitably kamla Harris whether or not
we want to discuss her competency is
another matter but she at least has the
presence of mind to understand the
gravity of the situation and we may
eventually before the convention even or
immediately after the convention face
the situation that we did with Richard
Nixon when Nixon first of all lost his
vice president and because his vice
president spirro agnu was accused of tax
evasion or something he was removed and
we got Jerry Ford Jerry Ford was picked
because Jerry Ford threatened no one and
hadn't particularly offended anybody
throughout his entire career he wasn't
an especially bright person but he
filled the role as vice president then
suddenly Nixon had to resign so he had
to move Jerry Ford up to the top slot
for which he really wasn't suited and
find a new vice president that turned
out to be Nelson Rockefeller uh all of
these things all these nominees for vice
president and president so forth had to
be approved by the Senate and the house
so we could see something like this
unfold in the months ahead because I
really think that President Biden is is
non-c compass Menace he he's beyond help
right now so he should be removed I mean
it's elder abuse to keep him where he
is oh it absolutely is elder abuse and a
new poll out this morning says that most
Americans want Biden to resign right now
get out now I've long said I don't think
he'll be president by November 5th I
think he'll have t handed over the
presidency to kamla Harris right now
she's already taking security briefings
effectively she's seems like she's
running the show but really in your
experience you think it's the Deep State
it's the permanent Washington that's
running the show and question who is in
yeah who's in the White House you know
first of all you got Jake Sullivan Jake
Sullivan seems to be the architect of a
lot of things now he's got a lot of
people to help him people from outside
administration a couple of years ago it
was I was told that George Soros
routinely called the White House and
actually called Jake Sullivan as well as
the president to express his views he's
not the only W I would love to get a
hold of the White House phone log and
see who's been talking to whom I think
that would be very Illuminating and it
would be very frightening to most
Americans so I think that Jake Sullivan
Tony blinkin uh those two in particular
and their supportive staffs you have to
look at the makeup of those staffs the
composition who are these people where
do they come from and I think you're
going to discover that the these are
committed frankly marxists who see a
future for the United States that most
Americans would never
devise and they're trying to use the
executive order powers and the
subservience of Congress right now to
whatever they want for reasons that have
a lot to do with corruption on the hill
to exploit uh President Biden and push
us in directions from which it's going
to be difficult to recover and I think
that's what they're doing you know the
sort of irr reversible momentum we used
to hear about years ago I think that's
what they've tried to create we're on
a downhill slide at high speed into the
abyss of uh Marxism cultural Marxism and
all the values that go with
it yeah Opening Our borders continued
moves to continue to allow illegal
immigrants to pour across our borders uh
funneling additional money to Ukraine um
funneling additional money to Israel
today we have NATO States telling
citizens to leave Lebanon over the
weekend we've seen a major escalation in
our proxy war against Russia and it
seems like I know we talk about this and
I think people say we're never going to
get to a direct hot war with Russia
people can say this all they want but
over the weekend I think we saw one of
the one of the largest escalations we've
seen thus far can you talk about where
we're heading with Russia while
President Biden is really no longer
president of the United
States well remember that Biden made a
number of statements starting in March
of uh
2022 about so-called red lines i i as
president will never permit this because
it would lead to a global conflict with
Russia and that had to do with
high-speed modernized aircraft strike
missiles strike systems that would bring
us inevitably into collision with Russia
because we would strike Russian soil all
of those red lines have been crossed I
don't think he knows what he's doing and
I I begun to think that if the White
House is a sanitarium then the hill is
probably a mad house
because you've got vast numbers of
people who don't understand what war
means because we've had conflicts with
so many weak opponents over the last 253
years that we don't understand that
Russia and China and Iran and other
states like them actually dispose over
considerable military power that can
threaten Us in other words that we're no
longer invulnerable invincible and
immune to attack that that they can
reach us in the United States so what
happened over the weekend is
particularly worrisome because
historically the president who is the
commander-in-chief of the US Armed
Forces is de facto also the leading
political figure in NATO and normally
nothing would happen on the ground in
inside nato in any NATO country
militarily directed at anybody else that
the president would not be aware
of I mean that that certainly was my
experience I was on the czechoslovak and
East German borders back in the late
1970s and at one point we actually
thought that the Soviets were were about
to launch an offensive it turned out to
be another faint where they move up
towards the Border stop turn around and
go back to their Barracks but I was on
the border and we were reporting what we
were seeing and those reports went all
the way to Alexander heg who was the
Supreme Commander at the time of Europe
sakur in other words the milit AR
commanderin-chief of NATO and to the
White House other words you had soldiers
in at the time in the second armored
Cavalry Regiment the 11th armed Cavalry
Regiment standing on the border and I
was in the first of the first Cavalry at
that point all these Cavalry units
performed border duty which is why we
need to get them back on the Mexican
border that's another subject but we
were at the time defending the East
German and and czechoslovak borders we
were reporting these things so I know
that the command and control in NATO is
eminently capable of controlling
everything that happens from the the
Arctic Circle of the Finnish border all
the way down to the Black Sea where
NATO's border with Romania and Bulgaria
end in other words nothing can really
happen there unless somebody knows about
it in the white house so over the
weekend we discovered that at least two
or three drones I'm told were flown now
where were they flown from We're
assuming Finnish soil because the target
was about 200 kilometers east of Finland
up near the Arctic Circle on the cola
peninsula where the Russi M of NATO yeah
and cola Peninsula is important because
the Russians have uh strategic bombers
located on the cola Peninsula and they
you go a little further and they have
their submarines their strategic
submarine Arsenal it's a very highly
militarized area all of a sudden these
drones appear out of nowhere but think
they were flown from Finland they
managed to destroy a supersonic Tupelo
bomber on the
ground now this is something that under
normal circumstances the ukrainians with
what they've got could never reach you
you're talking about try to fly
something like that from Ukraine all the
way up to the Arctic Circle it would
never make it so we think it probably
came from Finland this now means that we
have done something that the Russians
have told us is a red line we have
actually permitted attacks to be
launched from NATO soil ostensibly by
the ukrainians now how ukrainians got to
Finland is incomprehensible to me but
again that sort of thing is not going to
happen without Washington knowing about
it certainly not without the CIA in MI6
in London knowing about
it and if you were if you were president
of the United States uh Clayton and you
were somebody came to you and said this
is our plan and this is what we want to
do and you had any presence of mind you
would say well that's outrageous that
means we're at war with Russia I don't
want to do that and Biden has said that
repeatedly yet this is exactly what
done what do you think the response from
from Russia's side will be now this is
something Putin has said this would be
this would be World War II this is what
something that Dimitri Medvedev has said
this would be World War III an attack
from NATO soil would be a bridge too far
that would be a red line now it seems
like we've been hitting these bumping up
against these red lines now for for the
past year or
more I think President Putin knows that
we are roughly 95 96 days from the
anticipated election in
November I think his preference would be
to absorb the damage and wait to see
whether or not there is a new
Administration in November that is
likely to change policy I think that's
his preference Putin is not an impulsive
man he's also not a a dangerous
unbalanced Maniac by any stretch of the
imagination this is a man who's been
over backwards to avoid war with the
United States and NATO he's he's taken a
lot of abuse from us he's put up with a
lot of
infractions uh a lot of crossing of his
red lines but he wants desperately to
avoid that war we on the other hand have
continually escalated and escalated and
escalated and this is now a very serious
escalation we're not talking about
drones flown from within Ukraine by say
British intelligence or American
Intelligence Officers designed to strike
Targets in Crimea that's different we
flying from within the Ukrainian
airspace and soil this is now from a
NATO country ostensibly Finland I don't
think the fins may be completely aware
and this is another problem I think the
fins and the swedes are now beginning to
wake up slowly to the reality that they
are now platforms for the projection of
American military power against Russia I
don't think they necessarily signed up
for that what they were signing up for
was protection from Russian attack what
they become though is this uh Unsinkable
aircraft carrier for US forces against
Russia that's very dangerous because
there is always the possibility that the
uh uh Moscow decides well we're not
going to attack all of NATO on this on
this particular occasion because they
can Target everything along this
Thousand Mile front if you will uh we'll
just limit it to where we think this was
flown from inside Finland and I'm sure
by now the Russians know where it came
from or where the drones came from they
know what was used against them I mean
this sort of thing you can't conceal
once it's been done and they could
easily say well we're going to do this
now the reason for not doing it is as I
said before Putin would prefer to wait
for the outcome of the election and see
whether or not it makes any difference
but he has every right to respond the
question is what do we do are we going
to be dumb enough to respond to that
with more acts of war against Russia or
are we going to step back and say well
we we push too far because a war with
Russia is not what we
want uh I don't know but you know when's
the last time anybody discussed this
with the American
electorate I haven't heard yeah any
discussion of this from KLA Harris I
haven't heard any discussion of this
from President Biden um and I haven't
heard anything from the White House
Podium on this and so I I think if we
ask the American people we can ask the
American people right now do you want a
hot war with Russia um do the Finnish
people want a hot war with Russia I'll
ask our Finnish viewers who watch us on
a regular basis let us know uh if you're
up there in near the Arctic Circle do
you you want to be wiped off the map
because of Washington DC and this and
the NATO brass Colonel it's a always
before we leave this I just want to make
one quick note that we also have
information that a series of ambushes
were conducted against Russians in
central Africa these are Vagner people
uh in other words Russian mercenaries
that came in and replaced where replaced
Us in countries where formerly we were
operating quote unquote against
islamists all of a sudden uh with great
success far beyond the normal
capabilities of the islamists there were
attacks killing 50 60
Russians uh in an ambush on the ground
in central Africa now we've also
discovered that they were being advised
and assisted by Ukrainian forces in
other words advisers from the Ukrainian
military this is a this is another
example of of how far this war has gone
and how dangerous it is become because
now the
ukrainians went to Central Africa
assisted the people that we previously
were attacking because of their islamist
agenda and they are now helping these
islamists kill Russians in an area of no
strategic importance to Ukraine
whatsoever again could this happen
without us knowing it uh I rather doubt
it I I once again I think these
ukrainians are operating as surrogates
for us so if the Ukrainian can do that
in central Africa in a place like Chad
or Niger or any of these countries where
we were formerly
operating uh could they not also go to
Finland and launch drone strikes against
the Russians at a Strategic Air Base and
destroy a bomber and I guess the answer
is yes all of this is very disturbing
because it looks like an outof
control uh operation it's it's h very
similar to Stanley Kubrick's movie uh
you know it doesn't make any sense
everything's out of control who the hell
is in charge I don't think Biden's in
charge of anything I'm not sure Camala
necessarily knows very much Kamala
Harris again who's behind these people
and I hesitate to point to specific
people and give you their names and say
they're doing something because I don't
know I don't know what's going on in the
white house and now we know the hill is
certifiable I mean they're they're
they're ready to underwrite a war
against Iran on behalf of Israel again
is that something we Americans want to
do when's the last time that was debated
openly and in public well it's very hard
to do that when the media is entirely on
the side of the of the government in
terms of its interests in waging global
war everywhere we can it it's insane and
it's dangerous and it's out of
control it is Doctor Strange Love you're
absolutely right about that and yeah who
is running who is running the shop right
now Congress is on vacation President
Biden is uh by all accounts you know
brain dead it's Weekend at Bernie's um
and uh is it isn't President Obama
President Obama who set up shop and
bought a house in Washington DC the only
president in a 100 years to buy a house
in Washington DC when you leave
Washington you get out of Washington DC
um so maybe it's President Obama running
the show there uh unbelievable and uh I
think you know everything is changing in
24hour spad right now and I think um I
would be really surprised if President
Biden um remains president by November
5th of this year but we'll see Colonel
Douglas McGregor always the voice of
reason and a sea of Madness right now
thank you so much for joining us as
always Colonel great to see you sure


