Thursday, July 11, 2024

NEWS Ialso,SEE NATO-China and India China Border Conflict: New Provocation Over Arunachal | Van...

.with Transcript




[Music] the latest flash point between New Delhi and Beijing India plans to build Hydro
power projects in arunachal Pradesh China is protesting and threatening to weaponize Rivers against India we'll
bring you the full story meanwhile NATO is training its guns on China calling it a decisive enabler of Russia's war in
Ukraine we'll tell you how Beijing has responded also in the US it seems only two people want Biden to run for
President Joe Biden himself and his opponent Donald Trump he'll discuss how the president is causing the biggest
crisis in the history of the democratic party in Pakistan the government has outdone itself they've borrowed more
than 11 billion in 45 days we'll tell you why and how is the global auto
sector in crisis why is this being called the best time to buy a car who is lamin yamal the football Wonder kid
Making Waves in Europe the new UK government has crapped the Rwanda plan but London has already spent $400
million on it and Rwanda refuses a refund the debate on Spain's famous bull fights
and whether animal cruelty should continue in the name of tradition why are rich people rushing to freeze their
bodies and their wealth in the hope of a future Revival and what's a sugar tax does it even work more than 100
countries have it all this and more coming up the headlines first 66 Chinese aircrafts suround
Taiwan in the biggest sorty of the year it comes as Beijing conducts exercises
in the nearby Waters in recent months China has rammed up its military presence around Taiwan Beijing claims
the self-ruled island as part of its territory Russia Wars NATO as it holds
its Summit in the US Moscow promises a response to the quote unquote very serious threat from the Western military
Alliance the Kremlin says NATO is fully involved in the Ukraine conflict Turkish president RP erdogan voices concern of a
direct confrontation between Russia and NATO Pakistan's Army targets Balo
activists protesting against forc disappearances the police lobed tear gas shells at protesters in qua injuring
three injuring several people the protests have been going on since last month the Pakistani army has been
accused of forc disappearances and custodial
torture Kenyan President William Ruto fires almost his entire cabinet this
comes after widespread anti-government protest Ruto says he took the decision after listening to the public the
president now plans to form a quote unquote broad-based
government Cape Town in South Africa flooded after heavy winter rains many
roads including major highways are water loged several houses lose their roofs due to the strong winds electricity
outage is also reported across Cape Town and South Korea names Kpop group
new jees as tourism ambassadors the group will serve for a year but will
have no actual diplomatic responsibilities last year more than 11 million tourists visited South Korea an
increase of nearly 250% compared to
2022 We Begin tonight with the India China border conflict there's a new provocation from the Chinese side over
arunachal Pradesh the northeastern Indian state of arunachal Pradesh that that China claims as its own and calls
South Tibet now it is broadening its bogus claims and extending them to water
bodies that's what the latest R is about China is vying for the control of Key
Water bodies it began with some new news reports about India's developmental
projects India plans to build 12 power stations in arunachal Pradesh these will
be Hydro power projects they'll use water from rivers to generate
electricity New Delhi has cleared the plan with a budget of about a billion dollars the money has been set aside and
the plan is likely to be announced later this month in the budget speech scheduled for the 23rd of this month
23rd of July the First Union budget of the Modi government's thirdd term it
will be presented by India's Finance Minister nirmala sitaraman that's where the Hydro power projects in arunachal
Pradesh are expected to be announced it's a good plan with clear benefits the domestic demand for electricity is
rising in India and the current sources of Power are insufficient so Hydro power
could help bridge the gap plus there scope to expand in this direction in the last Financial year Hydro power
accounted for less than 10% in India's overall power output so there is room to
do more the new plants will contribute to the development of arunachal Pradesh the cost will be covered by New Delhi
and the state will get electricity so it's a win-win but China has a problem it is
objecting to India's plans Beijing issued a statement today it said India has no right to build these Hydro power
plants the statement said and I quote South Tibet is China's
territory like I said Beijing claims arunachal Pradesh as part of China and
calls it South Tibet now no one agrees with this there is no International recognition or support for China's claim
there is no legal or historical basis but China keeps bringing it up to
provoke India so what should India do go ahead with the plan India has every
right to set up this project it's inside Indian Territory funded with Indian money and for the benefit of Indians so
China has no say in the matter the problem is Beijing is going Beyond statements it is trying to
establish an alternative reality and leverage geography to put pressure on
India now one part of the Sinister plan involves rivers in the region specifically the brahmaputra river among
the largest in the world China calls it the yarlung
SBO that's their name for the brahmaputra the river originates in Tibet a region controlled by China and
then it flows through two countries India and Bangladesh the state of arunachal Pradesh falls on the rivers
path it flows through the northern part of the state and the brahmaputra is an important river for the region
more than 130 million people depend on it their lives and livelihoods and China wants to control
and Leverage The brahmaputra by building a dam the project was announced a few
years ago a super hydr power Dam it will be built in Tibet on a section of the
brahmaputra reports say that this Dam would have more capacity than the three gorgees
Dam the three gorgees dam is the biggest dam in China it is the world's largest
Hydro power facility built on the yangi river so the dam in
Tibet is expected to be bigger than that now India had lodged a protest against
this project but China has not changed its mind today it has expressed outrage over India's planned
projects they could act as spoilers for China's project in Tibet which makes it all the more crucial not just for
India's energy security but also for its sovereignity in recent months China has
challenged inan India on multiple occasions earlier this year Prime Minister Modi had visited arunachal
Pradesh and Beijing had protested the visit the China India border issue
remains unresolved and India has no right to unilaterally develop the Chinese Southern Tibet region India's
related actions will only complicate the Border issue and negatively impact the situation in the Border areas of the two
countries then Beijing released a new list of Chinese names for territories in arunachal prad DH since 2017 China has
released four such lists and given Chinese names to almost 100 Indian
territories all in arunachal Pradesh and now it is going after power projects and Indian
Rivers it is time for New Delhi to draw a line it should push back harder
against China's bogus claims
we can and will defend every inch of NATO territory and we'll do it
[Music] together now let's turn to the US where
a summit is under way to Mark 75 years of NATO the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization now NATO is a relic formed in the Hees of the Cold War the geopolitical competition between the US
and the Soviet Union the Soviet Union doesn't exist anymore it is now just
Russia so NATO should have ceased to exist as well instead it just keeps
growing this year Summit also celebrated a new member Sweden it is NATO member
number 32 and the the alliance does not plan to stop there it keeps dangling membership before another European
nation one that is desperate to join Ukraine NATO declared that Ukraine's
path to membership was irreversible but when will KF join the block who knows no timeline has been set
all that NATO has promised was that it would happen eventually which means after the Russia
Ukraine war ends so if NATO plans to expand even after after the Russia
Ukraine war is over who will the alliance be fighting probably still
Russia but by the looks of it they're gearing up to take on another four and that is
China the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is now looking further a
field it is now eyeing Asia and preparing to confront Asia's biggest
bully all in the name of stopping Moscow China has become a decisive enabler of
Russia's war against Ukraine and and China's support increases the threat
Russia poses to EUR Atlantic security NATO is finally taking aim at
Beijing it has called China a quote unquote decisive enabler of Russia's war in Ukraine yesterday the block put out a
declaration China was accused of providing raw materials to Russia's military industrial complex but China is
the main enabler uh because as you refer to they they they are delivering uh uh
the tools the Dual use equipment uh the micro Electronics everything uh Russia
needs to build the missiles uh the uh the bombs uh the aircraft and all the
other uh systems they use against Ukraine NATO's claws are out it has
stopped tiptoeing around the issue and decided to challenge China directly obviously Beijing wasn't thrilled
the NATO Washington Summit declaration Hypes up tensions in the Asia Pacific region and is filled with cold war
mentality and belligerent rhetoric the China related content is full of prejudice smearing and
provocation China accused NATO of smearing its image Beijing said that it has never supplied any lethal weapons to
Russia and that it has strict export controls on Dual use materials it added
that all its trade with Moscow is normal and then China went on the
offensive China urges NATO to abandon its outdated concepts of Cold War mentality block confrontation and zero
sum game correct its wrong perception of China stop interfering in China's internal politics and smearing China's
image and do not create chaos in the Asia Pacific after creating turmoil in
Europe that last point was interesting Beijing
urged NATO not to create chaos in the Asia Pacific and that's a bit Rich coming from China this is the same
nation that has problems with all its neighbors India Bhutan Vietnam the Philippines Japan Mongolia you name the
country and China will come up with bogus territorial claims China is the most destabilizing
nation in Asia it is a threat to Global Peace and security NATO says that these
developments in the indopacific directly affect Euro Atlantic security so the
block wants to nip the Chinese threaten the bud and how will they do this with the help of four allies in the East
Japan South Korea New Zealand and Australia together they're called the
indopacific 4 group or the ip4 indopacific 4 they've become regulars at
NATO Summits the four nations were first invited in the year 2022 and the current
one is their third Summit in a row NATO is holding detailed talks with the ip4
today and the alliance plans to expand its influence in the East but how will the rest of Asia react
to these developments well some places might welcome an expanded NATO role like
Taiwan the Philippines and of course the ip4 they will welcome this but most countries will be
wary NATO is a Western Alliance and Asia has learned to be wary of Western
military presence that's the case at the moment but it may change over time especially
if China continues its aggressive
behavior you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a
villain famous last words from The Dark Night today they ring true for Joe Biden
for the last four years the US president has slammed Donald Trump criticized his aggression and panned his arrogance
but now it looks like Biden is taking a page out of the Trump Playbook he's becoming the man he opposes it's
election season in America June 27 saw the first presidential debate Biden went
against Trump and he faltered badly ever since then Trump has gone silent he's
basking in the success but Biden is on a media blitz he dialed into a morning
radio program he gave an interview he attended multiple rallies he addressed a NATO Summit he's even choosing spray
tan tonight he will address another press conference his first solo one since last November so Biden's strategy
is simple to him offense is the best defense look I have a cognitive test
every single day every day I have that test everything I do would you be willing to
have the independent medical evaluation watch me between there's a lot of time left in this camp
it's over 125 days so the make the decision the right answer right now is no you you don't want to do that right
now I've already done it but looking more orange is not buying
him sympathy there's dissent in his party the Democrats want him out and they're trying to achieve it in two ways
one is direct confrontation around a dozen Democrats have asked Biden to step down this includes Democratic
congressmen Senators high-profile donors and even Hollywood actor George Clooney
they're not beating about the bush they've told Biden to resign you know the fighting spirit and pride and
courage that served the country so well four years ago helped Joe Biden
win will bring the ticket down this time he he just has to step down because uh
he can't win but some others have taken a different approach like former house
Speaker Nancy Pelosi she's a senior Democrat and influential voice in the party Pelosi is trying to appeal to
Biden's rational side she hasn't asked him to step down she says he should make
a decision soon because time is running out and looks like she even lost her
cool over it do you believe he your run for election I'm not I'm not speaking English to you I'm
not going to be making any statements about any of that right now in the
hallway she's upset but she's also right time is running out for the Democratic party they're facing their biggest
crisis ever we are in the month of July the election is slated for November so there's around four months to go if
Biden has to step down it must happen now the Democrats will need the time to mobilize their resources and rally
behind the new candidate but it's also unprecedented incumbents don't usually
step down it's very very rare they're certainly not not forced to step down
the first example is Harry Truman the 33rd US president in 1945 Truman was
then President Franklin D rosell's vice president he was the VP after Rosel died
Truman took over and he served out that term then in 1948 he contested the
election and he won but in 1952 Truman was done he had already been
in power long enough he thought he did not want to continue technically he could seek another term but Truman
stepped down the Democrats went into a huddle they picked another nominee but he lost the elections the SEC second
example is Lynden B Johnson he was the 36th American president he became president in
1963 but his fate was sealed in Vietnam the war made him lose support So Johnson
stepped down it was another Scramble for the Democrats they fielded a new candidate again they lost the White
House so history does not paint such a good picture two democratic presidents both left under pressure and the party
lost the white house but here's how this one is different Truman was tired Johnson was
politically battered none of them was too old or too unfit to
contest and there's another thing to consider Trum men stepped down around March so did Lynden B Johnson basically
the Democrats had time to recalibrate but this time they're pressed so right
now they have three options number one Biden contests the election he loses against Trump and the Democrats lose the
White House option number two or scenario number two Biden steps down they choose another
nominee elections happen and the Democrats get a fighting chance they may still lose the White House but not
without trying to keep it and option number three Biden refuses to go his
party forces him out it leads to an ugly scenario making both sides look bad Joe
Biden and his party so they must make a decision and do it fast the Democrats say they want to save American
democracy but before that that they must save their own
party now let's look at Pakistan the South Asian Nation known for its Financial mismanagement a new report
came out today showing the country's latest borrowing spree in 45 days the Pakistani
government borrowed 3.2 trillion rupes that's about 11.5 billion do at today's
exchange rate and this wasn't some giant loan that Pakistan got from its usual
array of global lenders no Pakistan borrowed this money domestically at exorbitant interest
rates let me break this down further between May 15th and June 28th this year
Pakistan went to town they reached out to local banks and they picked up about 11.5 billion dollar that's about a
quarter of a billion a day on average the amount is absurd because because it's almost the
exact amount that Pakistan borrowed in the past in the financial year ending
2023 but that was over an entire year the recent borrowing spree took place in
just 45 days more than 11 billion in 45 days it shows just how dire their financial situation is and the dates are
important to note Pakistan borrowed this money after miday after they had already declared
their expenses for the last Financial year this means that the fresh loans
that the government took will not be registered for a while not until the middle of 2025 basically this was an
accounting trick done to mislead the public and of course Pakistan's endless list of
creditors it seems Islamabad does not want the world to know just how indebted it really
is and it gets worse Pakistan hasn't just been borrowing from Banks it has
also tapped the bond market some of you might know what a treasury
bill is for those who don't it's a type of a Government
Bond an investor lends the government money for a short period of time it's
usually 3 or 6 or 12 months and after that point you get the money back with
interest almost every country every government issues bonds and treasury bills when it needs money it's a common
practice but Pakistan is on a completely different level let's compare Pakistani treasury bill
returns with those in India look at the numbers Pakistan's average yield is
about 20% compared to about 5% in India so Islamabad borrows money at four times
the price that New Delhi does for all the investors out there it's best to not get any ideas there's a
reason Pakistan offers such a premium on its bonds it's partly because the government is desperate for money and
most people don't want to lend them but that's just one reason the other is because their currency is very volatile
the Pakistani rupee is worth almost half of what it was three years ago half the
value in June 2021 the exchange rate was about 160 Pakistani Rupees to a dollar
today it's about $280 to a dollar so who knows when the currency will go belly up
again that is why Pakistan borrows at such ridiculously high
rates and this has far reaching consequences a few days ago Pakistan released its budget for the next
financial year and it was a brutal budget they plan to increase tax revenue collection by over 40% for Z it's
unprecedented and the tax hikes will be borne by ordinary
citizens these were the reports from Pakistan today they're seeking a new loan from the IMF the international
monetary fund the IMF wants the country to raise taxes further this time on agricultural income the tax rate could
go up to 45% and it seems that Islamabad has accepted this it is willing to tax its
citizens to such an extent for an IMF loan a $6 billion IMF loan that's about
half of what Pakistan borrowed in May and June in those hectic 45 days this is the perfect example of
Economic mismanagement and the citizens will be paying the price for years to come
are you planning to buy a car soon if yes then the story is for you the global car market is going through a
rough time sales are down inventories are piling up this may spell trouble for the industry but for the C for the
customers it could mean good news we're entering what many call a buyer's
market let's begin with some Global Trends leading car maker Volkswagen is
under pressure it's a German Auto giant its profits could fall this year Volkswagen has lowered its forecast for
2024 earlier it was projecting a profit margin of around 7 to 7 and a half%
yesterday it lowered the forecast to between 6.5 and 7% and why is that because of a Slowdown
in sales deliveries in China are down by almost 20% the company also owns the
Audi BR brand now the an Audi has a plant in Brussels Volkswagen is thinking
about closing it the car maker is dealing with excess capacity it has more production facilities more than what it
needs to serve the market plus there is increased competition from Brands like
Tesla and Chinese car makers there's a lot of competition so Volkswagen wants to bring down
expenses focus on profitability the company has a plant in
Mexico it is considering using this facility to make the next Audi electric
car the company's yet to make up its mind but if it happens it would be a significant step Volkswagen hasn't
closed a plant in the last 40 years this time they may not have an option as they say desperate times call for desperate
measures globally the Auto industry is witnessing a reset mature markets like the US are oversaturated there are fewer
buyers overall here in India as well a similar story is playing out there's a slow down in sales car dealers are
sitting on thousands of unsold cars this inventory could be worth 60,000
crores of unsold cars that's over7 billion
Us and how many cars would that be anywhere between 600 to 650,000 Vehicles
these cars are ready to be sold they're sitting inside dealer warehouses with no
takers so what's causing this slowdown one big reason could be this car loans
loans are expensive right now India's Reserve Bank has kept interest rates un unchanged so the banks are less inclined
to cut interest rates on loans and that's affecting Auto Sales
car dealers are trying to woo customers back into showrooms they're rolling out discounts maruti Hyundai Tata Motors and
Mahindra these are India's biggest car sellers all of them have either slashed prices or they're offering incentives to
buyers but it may not be enough car makers like maruti are pushing for government incentives especially on
hybrid cars to supercharge their sales and some state governments are listening
a few days ago the utar Pradesh government announced a waiver up utar Pradesh is a North Indian state it has
waved the registration tax on hybrids this could lead to significant
savings for customers they could save up to 350,000 rupees or around $4,000 on
the purchase of a hybrid the central government may follow suit it could Grant some concessions on hybrids they
could be announced later this month when the union budget is presented Reports say the Indian government May reduce the
15% cess on hybrid cars this is a form of a tax it is charged on top of the GST
the goods and services tax which is around 28% 28 + 15 so overall it's a
good time to consider a purchase sales are down across the board there is intense competition among dealers to win
customers this usually gives buyers some negotiating power but don't fall for their sales pitch exercise your own
judgment after all it's your hard-earned
money our next story is about a football Wonder kid he's 16 years old he plays for Spain he's the youngest Euro goal
scorer and he's now being compared to lonel Messi his name is lamin yamal like
Messi he was in Barcelona's Youth Academy fun fact in 2007 Messi posed
with him for a photo shoot he gave him a bath so he has the blessings of football
royalty but can yamal become the next Messi he's already making a lot of noise
but you see football Wonder kids have fizzled out in the past so will yamal defy the trend our next report tells
you the year was 2007 LEL Messi was in Camp new all ready
for a photo shoot he created a baby in his arms bathing it in a small tub the
football Superstar was all of 20 then his talent was making waves but present
in that room was another Wonder kid lamin yamal over a decade later he is
one of Spain's best football players compared to the greats like Messi
himself yamal was born near Barcelona his dad is Moroccan his mom is from equatorial
guine yamal hailed from roaa 304 it's one of Spain's poorest
neighborhoods so he's no stranger to adversity but luck too Shone Upon
yamal take the photo shoot with Messi his family won it in a UNICEF raffle
draw so that was his right to passage he was already baptized by the goat but
childhood wasn't easy for yamal his family was poor his father borrowed money from relatives toy buy him some
football boots yamal soon went to trials that's where he started to attract attention a
Barcelona Scout spotted him and soon enough he was part of the famed laasia
Barcelona's football Youth Academy it's also where his Idol Messi
started 8 years later yamal caught the attention of another man Barcelona star
zavi Hernandez he was the club's manager then zavi watched him for 10 minutes and
decided that yamal would play for Barcelona's first team it was always apparent that yamal
had something special in him his game is flexible he makes good decisions he can
wriggle through small spaces and fires up the crowd with his dribbles his first
coach says he's touched by God though he's come a long way he hasn't forgotten how it started every time he scores a
goal yamal celebrates with a 304 sign and OD to his roots
through euro 2024 he's dazzled the crowds but often the coach substitutes him at the hour mark why because yamal
is only 16 years old he's a minor and German labor law prevents miners from
working after 8:00 p.m. but age is just a number for yamal he's already breaking
records he's the youngest to play for Barcelona the youngest to play for Spain
the youngest goal scorer for his country the youngest goal scorer at the EUR
reports suggest that Paris San want him for $268 million he's already being compared to
Messi like the Argentine he's a left footed player another Barcelona prote
but what does yamal have to say about it he laughs it off he's mature enough to
understand that the comparison is premature football has seen plenty of
Wonder kids before there was bjan crickit another Spaniard he fizzled out
after a few years Javier saviola an Argentine who failed to make a mark and
even yamal Senor ansu fatti who struggled after showing great promise so what will it be for yamal
football greatness like Messi or will he crumble under the burden of his talent
on Sunday Spain will go against England in the Euro finals a day before yamal
will turn 17 he was asked what he wanted as a birthday present and all he said
said was win win
win Onex stories from Africa from Rwanda the country famous for its migration deal with the UK the previous British
government had signed a deal with Rwanda any migrants coming to the UK illegally would be
deported they would be sent off and Rwanda was supposed to accept these migrants house them and deal with any
paperwork like Asylum applications if the Asylum claims were legitimate Rwanda would bear the responsibility of hosting
the migrants this in a nutshell was the Rwanda deal to Outsource the problem of
immigration it wasn't so much about Shifting the Asylum Seekers it was more about generating fear migrants were
supposed to be scared of being sent to Rwanda The Hope was that it would act as a
deterrent the Rwanda plan was championed by the former British government the one led by the conservative party also known
as the Tories the Tories had ruled Britain for 14 years and they had been championing the Rwanda deal for the past
three but it never got off the ground and a few days ago the Tor government
got the boot the British public decided to go another way and they brought in a
new prime minister this man K Tama and here's what he had to say about the Rwanda deal the Rwanda scheme was dead
and buried before it started it's never been um a deterrent um look at the numbers that have come over in in the
first um six and a bit months of this year their record numbers uh that is the
problem that we are inheriting it has never acted as a deterrent starmer's labor party had
always opposed the deal they had promised to scrap it if they came to power which is what they did but there
was a slight problem the Tories had spent years working on the deal more importantly that spent Millions on it
about £320 million that's more than 400 million us that is the amount the Tories had
already spent without deporting a single illegal
immigrant so where did this money go $400 million in setting up infrastructure in
Rwanda you you may remember these pictures of the UK's former Home Secretary suel bravoman last year she
was looking at some under construction buildings in Rwanda well those were built with
British money given to Rwanda by the Tories you can understand why she's not pleased
about getting the plan scrapped seeing kissama you know
installed his government scrap the Rwanda plan for example you know years of hard work acts of parliament millions
of pounds been spent on a scheme which had it been delivered properly would have
worked you don't know if it would have worked but the money was spent so is there any way to undo that to get a
refund while Britain was looking into this rwanda's President Paul kagam had said
that it could happen he had said this in January so perhaps the UK was hoping it
would all work out but then a Rwandan government spokesperson said the record
straight actually it is the UK government that has terminated the treaty and not Rwanda this was not a
loan given to Rwanda this was money sent to Rwanda to carry out specific
these actions have been carried out there is no reason why these funds should be returned as far as the
permanent dwellings it was stipulated that rwandans share them with the migrants today the migrants are not
coming anymore rwandans will live in those
dwellings so Rwanda has no intention of giving the money back and the houses that were built the once Bravo men had
examined so carefully will now be going to Rwandan citizens well this is a win
for the African nation and maybe add a lesson for
London now let's talk about Pamplona it is a picturesk city in Spain but it's
known across the globe for its famous bull fights every year thousands run with the bulls getting injured even
killed in the narrow lanes and what happens to the Bulls well they're made to take part in
the bull fights where they are tortured or killed Spain says it's their their tradition but even Spaniards disagree
surveys say 60% of them disapprove of bull fights so why then is Spain continuing
with this and why just Spain why are animals tortured and killed across the world for
entertainment our next report tells [Applause] you every July Spain celebrates the
Festival of San fine palmona is a wash in red and white
this 9-day Festival has concerts religious processions
feasts and lots of wine but the Highlight is this Pomona's famous bull
run it begins at 8:00 a.m. participants run with six Bulls across the city's
narrow Lanes the runners have less than 3 minutes they must outrun the heavy
animals or risk being injured or Worse killed the Run leads the Bulls to the pona bull
ring bull fights are held there and the animals are either injured or killed by
the matadors today 11 people were injured during the Bull Run since 1924 16 people
have died due to this the last death was in 2009 but how many bulls have died
well nearly 68 every year hundreds of others have been injured or
tortured it's a medieval horrible tradition um where Bulls are killed
every single year at least 60 roughly per um year at this festival San fine
alone however in the full year can be up to 7,000 bulls that are killed so we're
here today to remind people that it is a terrible tradition not something that should be celebrated it's something that
needs to be phased out because animals feel pain in the last decade protests have grown
against the running of the bulls and the infamous bull fights in 2007 Spain had
3,651 bull fighting events in 2022 it fell to
1,546 Spain also canceled a national bull fighting prize it awarded a prize
of over $30,000 to the winning Mador this has been scrapped for
good so will Spain ever ditch bull fighting for good the country argues
it's a part of their tradition but opposition is just growing 60% of
Spaniards disapprove of bull fighting the Canary Islands banned it in
1991 in 1997 Catalonia followed suit other parts of the country are yet to
take such a move but subsidies for bull fighting are scarce now and it isn't just Spain's bull
fighting that's under Fire Mexico has a similar bull Festival where animals are
force-fed alcohol and dragged across rivers in boats South Africa has um kosi ukw Young
Warriors chase a bull around an enclosure and wrestle and kill the animal India has jalik KATU a
traditional bull taming sport participants try to tame Bulls in order to win a prize it often leads to the
death of the animal the AR Islands have a grindar drop it's a sort of Drive
hunting entire PODS of whales are surrounded by boats and forced onto the
shore where they are killed so it's happening across the
globe animals are being tortured or killed just for the sake of entertainment countries can defend it as
their culture but the point is we must evolve with time so while sports like
bull fighting are steeped in Tradition its continuity in the modern world is fraught with ethical and moral
challenges do you think that TR time travel is possible you may say no but
what have we told you that there are scientists who are planning to make it happen they want to transport people to
a distant future and thousands of participants are willing but they will not zoom through
black holes they will not travel in spaceships or fancy cars they will be
frozen the concept is called cryonics where a person's body is frozen in the hope that a future civilization will
reanimate it that is the eventual aim that one day the frozen body will be rewarmed and
revived kind of like a less gross version of mummification with the expectation that the mummy will come
back to life now in day-to-day medicine freezing is already a useful technique albeit on
a smaller scale doctors freeze blood cells bone marrow sperm and embryos but freezing a human body that's
another ball game cryonics can begin only after a person is clinically and
legally dead you cannot start freezing before that you have to die after death the procedure needs to happen quickly
first dry ice is used to keep the body at a lower temperature so the body can can move to uh can be moved to a storage
facility and once that happens the body is put in a chamber it is infused with chemicals the temperature is slowly
lowered further below - 130° C this cold allows the cells to survive and the body
is preserved much like people in a long-term coma except there's no no
metabolism uh so to them you know no time is passing so people say Well they're not alive they must be dead well
no there's kind of an in between states which is not really alive or dead uh you know by by kind of AC crud analogy you
have daytime and you have nighttime uh but you also have Twilight in between because they kind of shade into one another so in our view uh dying is a
process and cryic stops that process it puts dying on a pause and let you go
into the future where we have greater capabilities to reverse that and bring you back to life it sounds like science
fiction being frozen in time then Reawakening if successful this would be a massive break through but it's a very
big if even the scientific Community is skeptical cryonic is generally viewed as
a pseudo science in other words quackery while it promises to defy death there is
no proof there is no evidence that CICS can revive people absolutely no guarantee or
precedent the only group that you really see getting excited about the possibility are people who are sort of
people who specialize in studying the distant future or people who have a stake and wanting you to pay the money
to do it I don't really see any mainstream brain scientists
physiologists people from Psychiatry who study the mind they're not lining up saying I think this is a Sound Idea
moreover I don't think any of them do it but this has not discouraged the enthusiasts men of Science Tech Moguls
like Jeff bzar Sam Alman Larry Pig included they've pledged hundreds of millions of dollars towards this cause
500 people have Frozen their bodies already they're now stored in Vats around the world mostly in the US 500
people have already done it more than 5,000 people want to follow suit they have signed up to be
frozen usually the takers are uber wealthy which should not be surprising
regular people have the real life to worry about not the afterlife so the also the procedure costs upwards of
$200,000 the rates are lower if you just want to freeze your brain inside your
severed head that happens too clearly buying Islands building Rockets and
planning a trip to Mars is not enough so the wealthy are not only freezing their bodies they're also freezing their
assets they're creating a Revival trust it is like a trust fund except it
will not be passed down Generations it will be created by and for the Frozen dead it will be saved for when they come
back to life basically if you're crazy Rich then your money can be immortal too but there's a slight problem this
immortality depends on a tower of assumptions and and a lot of questions are you alive if your body is
cryonically preserved if you are revived are you the same person in the eyes of the Lord no
you cannot reverse a death certificate not yet also we don't know if the bodies are being frozen successfully so far the
freezing services are crude soon after death parts of the brain stop working so imagine waking up 100 years later if you
do wake up only to be a shell without a working brain kind of like a cognitive
vegetable I'm still not clear how this works and cryonics does not have the answers but
it promises to Never Say Never at best the concept comes through at worst we
have a bunch of white walkers living amongst
us about 2 million that's how many people suffer from diabetes in Australia
the health concern is only growing but now Australia may have just the solution a sugar tax in other words a tax on
sugar sweetened beverages like cold drinks energy drinks and sports drinks Australia wants to raise the price of
drinks with added sugar to reduce their consumption if the tax is tax is implemented Australia will join 108
countries in doing so 108 countries already have a sugar tax but is it effective and how does it
work here's a report every 5 minutes in Australia
austan develops diabetes that's more than 300 people per day in total that's 1.9 million
Australians understandably diabetes is a major health concern in the country especially because much of it is
avoidable type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease meaning it can't be
prevented but type 2 diabetes is largely preventable its causes include poor diet
sedentary lifestyle and smoking yet type 2 diabetes accounts for most of
the cases in Australia more than 1.3 million cases which is why recently
diabetes became a matter of discussion in the parliament an investigation was
held and subsequently a report was released it made a number of recommendations but the strongest among
them is a measure that has already been adopted by 108 countries attacks on
sugar sweetened beverages in simpler terms a sugar tax as the name suggests
this is a tax on drinks with added sugar like soft drinks sports drinks fruit drinks and energy drinks often even
fruit juice and milk-based drinks the tax raises their prices and this has a
two-prong def it is a disincentive to buyers and it encourages companies to
make drinks with less or no sugar so that they can avoid the tax and how much
should the tax be in Mexico there's a tax of one peso or 0.056 per liter in the UK the tax
depends on the sugar content the higher the content the higher the tax while there are variations the World
Health Organization has one standard advice the tax should increase the retail price of sugary drinks by at
least 20% that's the recommendation to make the tax a success which brings us to the
next question is sugar tax effective evidence from several Nations proves
that it is it has been a success in Mexico the country introduced its tax in
2014 by 2016 there was a 37% reduction in the number of drinks bought or look
at the UK sugar tax was first announced in 2016 it came into force in 2018 but
only 3 years after the announcement was made the amount of sugar consumed by children from soft drinks hared in the
UK it reduced by a third in adults that's a significant
drop what's more the sugar tax may have prevented 5,000 cases of obesity every
year it's a no-brainer that Sugar Tax Works experts know it research proves it
and citizens want it according to a poll conducted by the World Health Organization a majority of people
globally support increasing taxes on sugar sweetened beverages so what are the governments waiting for Australia
has taken the first step in the right direction ction now it's time to make the deal sweeter by implementing the
sugar tax and now it's time for Vantage shorts images that tell the story India's
president dropadi murmu plays badminton with Olympic medalist sa Nal crayons
melt in Las Vegas are made a searing Heatwave and Spain or England who will win the Euro finals the Oracle orangutan
votes in favor of Spain finally we're taking you back in history on this day in 2006 a string of powerful blasts
rocked India's Financial Capital Mumbai the bombs were placed in local trains more than 200 people were killed and
about 700 were injured India says the blasts were linked to Pakistan we leave you with that thank you for watching

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