Wednesday, September 18, 2024

THE FIX IS IN >>'We Cannot Let This Go': House Republicans Rail Against The UN And World...



 Reps. Bob Good (R-VA) and Ralph Norman (R-SC) led a press briefing about preserving US sovereignty and to organize against the UN and WHO. Fuel your success with Forbes. Gain unlimited access to premium journalism, including breaking news, groundbreaking in-depth reported stories, daily digests and more. Plus, members get a front-row seat at members-only events with leading thinkers and doers, access to premium video that can help you get ahead, an ad-light experience, early access to select products including NFT drops and more:


our press conference on what I describe
as the most important issue that's
getting the least amount of attention
relative to its importance in our
country and like many other issues we're
going to be deciding on November 5 what
kind of a country we're going to be and
it applies to this issue as well
president Trump had withdrawn the US
from The Who and of course the Biden
Administration like every other
disastrous decision they made revers
those policies when the Biden Harris
Administration got in charge well later
this week the UN is going to hold a
quote Summit for the future and they're
going to produce this is right from
their website an interg governmentally
negotiated action-oriented PCT for the
future with a chapter on transforming
Global governance ascending beyond the
powers being sought by its subordinate
agency the wh the UN is seeking even
broader and more powerful Authority as
you will hear hear a lot about today the
Biden Harris Administration apparently
intends to fully support the surrender
and compliance of the US to the UN and
these Endeavors they are aligned with
aligned with the international
globalists that hate America that hate
the Constitution that hate our Founders
that hate our founding judeo-christian
principles and they want America to
become like the rest of the world they
don't want us to be subordinate to or
governed by our constitution no they
want America to be subordinate to and
governed by the UN the World Health
assembly and The
Who and in fact they intend to join with
others at the UN Summit this week to
vote to award additional powers to the
UN Secretary General they seek to
facilitate the evolution of the UN from
an international Cooperative body to an
international governing body these
Powers would be triggered by any one of
a number of so-called Global emergencies
whether it was a so-called climate
emergency a health emergency a cyber
emergency or a gun violence emergency
whatever that's supposed to be a
financial emergency or whatever they
deem appropriate and the Biden Harris
Administration is in full agreement with
the UN and The Who on efforts to place
us under their Authority and to require
such things as their International
Health regulations including the
surveillance of US citizens the
censoring of dissenting of views and
much more the American people didn't
vote for this and they don't support
this and it's up to the people's
Representatives that's us gathered here
today to have a responsibility to expose
this and to reject this us should defund
the wh again we should withdraw from the
wh any agreements with the who or the UN
should require Senate approval or
disapproval and a bipartisan House
Majority voted to require Senate
approval just last week with Tom
Tiffany's bill on the house floor so I'm
proud to be joined here by my house
colleagues and others who are
appropriately concerned and educated
informed and leading on this issue again
this is the most important issue that's
getting the least amount of attention
relative to its importance and its
impact on our country and on the
American people and with that I yield to
the gentleman from South Carolina Ralph
Norman thank you Congressman good um I
want to thank Frank gasty Tony Perkins
all my colleagues for taking lead role
in this as Congressman good good said
this is probably other than our
financial crisis this country is in the
most important issue to call attention
to uh the summit of the future will
happen on September 22nd 23rd and folks
what that will do is seed America's
Authority America's sovereignty to
basically China China is defined as a
developing country it is the number two
economy behind America it's not
developing it will seed our
decisionmaking ability to China that's
what you need to know let me read out
what uh the Secretary General Antonio
GES his policy brief too issued on March
20123 I propose that the general
assembly provide the Secretary General
and the United Nations system with a
standing authority to convene and
operationalize automatically an
emergency platform form in the event of
a future complex Global shock of
sufficient scale guess who determines
that the the World Health
Organization it it reveals in their
definition a possible Global comp a
global shock including large scale
climate or environmental events
determined by who the Secretary General
future pandemics we all noticed all
endured what the uh problem we had with
the latest virus high impact events
includ involving a biological agent
determined by who the World Health
Organization disruption of global flows
of goods determined by who not America
but the who under the Secretary General
not only that it requires a 5% payment
by the United States every year of our
total medical dollars spent which are in
the trillions bottom line we cannot let
this go this is a Topline
issue that America must be made aware of
it's got to go through the Senate where
it requires 60 votes and we're going to
fight to make sure all Americans know
what's happening and stop it's dead in
his tracks the who needs to be defunded
needs to be do what we need to do away
with it America get out of it and now
call on Frank G gaffy with the
Coalition thank you Congressman thank
you to all of those present I wanted to
most especially thank those who voted
last week for hr1
1425 which did exactly what Congressman
Norman just talked about requires the
United States Senate to advise and I
hope dissent on the kind of surrender of
our sovereignty to Global government
that is envisioned both with respect to
the World Health Organization and with
respect now to the UN that's make no
mistake about it the agenda of the UN
Summit of the future that is
unmistakably what they hope to put in
train with their so-called pact of the
future and the thing that is absolutely
infuriating about all of this is not
only as these gentlemen have said this
is really
important and most people in the media
most people in government certainly the
vast majority of Americans have no idea
this is even going
on let alone reading in the rest of us
so it seems to me that what is needed
now is not only to have the Senate
charged as with the World Health
organizations's International Health
regulation treaty also the pack for the
future there must be no application of
whatever they come up with in terms of
world government by the UN Secretary
General without the Senate's advice and
consent and secondly I call here
today on former president Donald Trump
to use his platforms to address and draw
out his opponent the vice president of
the United States on whether or not she
supports world government and if she
doesn't for her to disavow what the
Biden Administration is doing right now
to try to bring it about thank you very
much next up is Andy BS
thank you Frank and thanks to uh Bob and
and Ralph for organizing this and for
all who are standing with us and my
colleagues and uh those who are
concerned about this you know um this
Administration has attacked United
States sovereignty since day one they've
done it by attacking our geographical
integrity and now they want to seed our
sovereignty over to the United Nations
and in particular the World Health
it's important to understand that how
critical it is that we let the American
people know how dangerous this
Administration is and their policies
are so when we think about it $850
million that's our annual assessment
today to the World Health Organization
but we consistently pay more than our
assessment why is that because this
Administration wants to pay
more and we're the folks at the United
Nations working hand in glove with the
World Health Organization to have their
way we would be spending even more and
we'd be spending more to become enslaved
to them because of the things that my
previous uh speakers my co-speaker have
said I introduced legislation HR
2022 which gets us out of the World
Health Organization and defunds our
portion of it why is that it's because
the World Health Organization has become
captured it's been captured by our
International adversary
China we saw that as a result of the
covid-19 issue and how the World Health
Organization protected Xian ping and the
Chinese we can't give up anymore of our
sovereignty any more of our geographical
Integrity any more of our economic
Integrity to foreign actors who have no
concern about the United States of
America other than to take our power and
our money away
this Administration is all in for it
that should be enough to tell everyone
that this is a nonstarter I appreciate
my colleagues for helping raise this
today I appreciate you and the media
being here today because this will be an
effort an ongoing effort as the outof
control spending that Congress is
engaged in coupled with the Border
problems that we have let's at least not
turn over our health care
apparatus to folks from a a United
Nations or an international multilateral
institution that has no concern for us
so I thank you for being here and now I
yield to the gentle lady from Wyoming my
friend Harriet Haggen thank you in my
home state of Wyoming we have common
sense something that seems to be sorely
lacking in the Biden Harris
Administration Wyoming I that I have
spoken with consistently ask why this
Administration would push to fund any
organization that has clearly come under
the control of the Chinese Communist
party they wonder why Biden and Harris
would try to enter into unconstitutional
agreements with foreign entities that
would force Americans to give up their
sovereignty it is worth noting that the
bulk of the wh's budget comes from
voluntary contributions from multiple
countries and organizations throughout
the past decade the United States has
donated billions of tax taxpayer dollars
making us the wh's largest financial
contributor over this time the CCP has
exerted and expanded influence and
corrupted the organization's data
research and information sharing despite
its abject failure the organization is
seeking greater control and greater
funding while continuing to block
legitimate investigations into the
origins of
covid-19 on June 1st the Accord that
amended the international Health
regulations was adopted by the World
Health assembly while there are many
concerning aspects of this Accord with
leading of our sovereignty being at the
top of the list it's it obligates member
states to address misinformation and
disinformation the result would be
something that we have become all too
familiar with under this Administration
mandating censoring and sanctioning of
speech and other actions that are at
odds with the who director General's
deliberations of course this is a clear
violation of our constitutional rights
but Biden and Harris have never cared
much for those I have co-sponsored legis
introduced by Congressman chip Roy the
no taxpayer funding for the World Health
Organization act which would prohibit
the US from making any assessed or
voluntary contributions to the who
international law does not Trump the
Constitution Biden and harus may be may
be compromised by the CCP but they
cannot force Americans to follow laws
and regulations not passed by Our Own
federal government thank you and with
that I see to Ronnie Jackson
thank you well I just like to start by
saying as the physician as a physician
who's followed the wo for many years now
in my time in government during three
presidential administrations and now as
my time as a member of Congress I can
tell you that the who in particular and
the UN in general do not represent
what's best for this country in fact
they do everything they can to undermine
us and defeat us look at what happened
during CO as a perfect example during Co
they lied to us and they worked with
China to cover up the origins of covid
you have to ask yourself do you really
want next time this happens for the wh
to decide how taxpayer dollars in this
country are spent to decide what
resources we are and are not eligible
for despite the fact that we
overwhelmingly fund their operations
that's what you're ask that's what
you're going to get and as my colleague
uh Mr Good pointed out they can define
an emergency in any way they want and
believe me it will be creative and it
won't be a health care crisis again next
time it'll be some something related to
the climate or gun control or some other
woke agenda that they have on their
radar this IH treaty is nothing more
than a redistribution of wealth and
government control via Global
governance this fits right into the
communist and socialist ideology that
defi that defines today's Democrat Party
in this country Camala Harris Joe Biden
and their Administration would like
nothing more than to pass their
responsibility to protect this country's
health and livelihood to another country
many of which do not appreciate that
United States do not like the United
States and many of which are hostile to
the United States they would love
nothing more than to pass this
responsibility to these countries I am a
firm believer a firm believer that from
this point forward we should never give
another Penny to the World Health
Organization they have not represented
us well they never have and they never
will they are not an ally to this
country they are not an asset to this
country we should not be paying hard
earned taxpayer dollars for their
efforts that are Mo often times against
us with regards to the United Nations
I've said it before I'll say it again I
think the best thing we could do for the
United Nations is to go to New York and
push the entire thing off into the East
River and with that I turn it over to
Tony Perkins from the family research
Council thank
you thanks do well we're here today to
reain on the wh's parade as they March
for power I I I think the who we were
here about six months ago press
conference prior to their June meeting
in Geneva where they tried to gain
international support for their pandemic
Accord which they did not do and I'm I'm
becoming convinced that the who thinks
that the rest of us have brain fog from
covid and they're just going to keep
trying this over and over again but the
facts do not change this is a global
power grab and when you look at the the
various aspects that this would touch in
particular that have been touched on
that are very concerning is their focus
on so-called disinformation what we
recently saw in Brazil with X is a prime
example of what governments would be
doing being empowered by the wh's
pandemic Accord calling on governments
to silence and censor dissenting voices
in America we cherish the First
Amendment we cherish our freedom we
cherish our families both are endangered
under this pandemic Accord and I Echo
the calls here today number one to
defund the wh and get the United States
out of it but secondly any any agreement
that is Advanced by this administra
Administration signed on to should be
submitted to the senate for ratification
to be treated as it is as a treaty so I
thank these members of Congress for
continuing to bring attention to this
while many ignore it the wh continues
their March for power and they will not
stop it's going to be incumbent upon
this Congress this institution stopping
and protecting the American public from
Who and with that I turn it over
Reggie regie Little John co-founder of
sovereignty Coalition and president of
anti-global international thank you to
Representatives Bob good and Ralph
Norman and my other colleagues here
including my co-chair uh Frank GNE for
organizing this press conference
1425 was an outstanding Victory which
can prevent uh the de depredations of
the World Health Organization from
moving forward without Senate consent
but we need an equally strong measure in
respect to the United
Nations United Nations for the future is
going to be the deliverable at the
summit for the future which is this
weekend and nobody knows about it so in
the summit for the future they are going
to approve a a um a platform an
emergency platform that will
operationalize automatically in the case
of a complex Global shock what does it
mean to operationalize automatically it
means that once they have passed it
through the United Nations they don't
have to ask other countries to approve
it they will just go forward with their
prot calls and how did they approve this
it's being adopted by something called
The Silence procedure the silence
procedure this is a pact a pact is a
form of treaty it's supposed to go
through the ratification process
internationally instead they're doing it
where they submit a draft and if nobody
objects to it then it's adopted adopted
and then it's noted that it was adopted
at the actual Summit for the future so
this is absolutely unconstitutional not
only that is it's against the charter of
the United Nations they are trying to
expand their powers they're doing an end
run around their own Charter through the
silence procedure we need to raise the
alarm about this and we need to stop it
you next one is representative Eli
cran all right thank you guys for coming
out today to cover this want to say
thank you to uh Congressman good good
Norman for hosting this and my other
colleagues for showing up um obviously
this is a complete disaster I'm not
surprised at all that this
Administration is supporting it um
they've completely betrayed us on our
Southern border and it looks like
they're attempting to sell out our
sovereignty once again with this
agreement I just want to read what my
colleague Congressman uh Norman read uh
this is from Gutierrez I propose that
the general assembly provide the
secretary General and the United Nations
system with a standing authority to
convene and operationalize automatically
an emergency platform in the event of
future complex Global shock of
sufficient scale severity and reach the
key word there is Authority that's what
these globalists want they want
Authority they want to strip it away
from what we have here and the
representatives that we have here that
represent the people of this country
though none of them were elected by
anyone in this country and what do they
want authority over because it's not
just Pan the next pandemic all right
large scale climate or environmental EV
events wow it could be real creative
with that one future pandemics high
impact events involving a biological
agent disruptions to Global flows of
goods people or Finance disruptive
activity in cyers space or disruption to
Global digital connectivity major event
in outer space or Black Swan events
that's enough examples and enough
reasons for them to get involved pretty
much whenever and wherever they want to
and I hope that this body and the Senate
continues to reject push back and stop
this agreement and this Push by this
Administration to sell out our
sovereignty to globalist thank
you next up is Chris Olman Eagle
Forum thank you so much uh I'm Chris
Alman the president of Eagle Forum I'm
delighted to be here we're a Grassroots
organization of patriots who love this
constitution today is September 17th
today is Constitution Day the day when
all Americans should study the
Constitution and learn about it and I am
so grateful for this opportunity to have
this press conference today when we're
talking about The Who and the UN and
what they're trying to do to take our
sovereignty away and I'm grateful for
these members of Congress who are
standing up to do their con
constitutional duty to be the
legislative branch to decide what our
laws are and what laws the American
people will live under the United
Nations and the who want to become the
lawmaking body to tell us what to do and
these members of Congress last week took
a step to say no it's our job to make
the laws not the UN and not the who of
the Senate there are 49 Senators who
have signed on to a companion bill bill
that requires the same constitutional
advice and consent we have 26 Governors
who have also spoken out on this as well
as attorneys General so we're delighted
on Constitution Day that this body is
taking the first step to get us back to
constitutional order thank you very much
and now I turn it over to
Representatives Norman and good for
question I say what it has on future
elections is bigger than that is what
has on the future of this country I mean
this is a dictatorship this is you know
this Administration by its actions when
it first took
office had executive orders that were
supposed to be temporary during the term
of his office like the Border it's you
know to reverse that to walk that back
is going to take a massive effort this
will take the same massive effort if he
votes this in does not take it to the
Senate uh we'll see our sovereignty we
cannot do it the American people do not
want that that's not what a democracy is
all about and particularly with China
China is our enemy and to se it
basically to them is unacceptable
particularly with the co
virus just add to what Congressman
Norman said that you saw the Biden
Harris Administration on full display
during the China virus situation where
they doubled down and took every
recommendation from the who we had to
force them literally the Republican
house had to force them to finally end
the pandemic emergency in the mid the
so-called mitigation uh requirements
that were in place so hopefully the
American people learn from that they've
suffered sufficiently and they're going
to make change on November 5
when you talk about elections the
founders had a very important Insight
you want people voting who are
informed we are here to talk to you and
through you to the American people to
ensure they are informed because the
process that we're talking about could
functionally end the whole idea of
limited accountable and representative
governance of this country under our
Constitution that must not be allowed to
happen and I thank these gentlemen and
their colleagues for trying to prevent
it from happening thank you all thank



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