Sunday, September 29, 2024

Mutiny in China: Elders are Threatening CCP's Rule

Bloggers note: Since the early 70s, Canada, the USA, France, the UK Italy, Japan, adopted  abortion as a means to de-Spirit women to empty men and women  of their souls.

ONLY a women can fertilize the earth with a new spirit a new person...the denigrating of women was and still is on the top priority agenda...

The same predicament is now facing us.... more on this later ....




seems there's very little that anyone
can do about it with protests breaking
out all over the nation as a result of
the nation's elderly crisis and the
problems around it it seems the CCP is
reacting the way it reacts best with
violence down
the elderly crisis is perhaps China's
biggest problem ever as it threatens the
very existence of the nation according
to estimates done by the World Health
Organization by 2040 which is a few
short years from now Chinese citizens
who are aged 60 years or older will
number 42 million almost a third of
their entire population in case you need
clarity about this figure that's more
than the entire population of the United
States from coast to coast just imagine
it a nation as large as the US just
filled with retirement age people that's
scary for the CCP it's not that we don't
love old people but the imbalance that
exists now is a problem for both the CCP
and China's economy this leaves us with
quite a number of questions what led to
such a devastating crisis how if at all
can it be resolved and most importantly
what does it mean for the future of
China and the whole world World given
how China is the manufacturing Hub of
the world let's Dive Right In and get
into all of this today before we go on
I'm going to ask a huge favor from you
the trend on this channel is clear any
videos that talk about the CCP or
Chinese failings tend to get swarmed
with negative comments from Bots as a
CCP strategy to stop the spread of
information that they may view as
harmful to their image that's why your
likes are necessary as they combat these
Bots and allow us to share these videos
without fear or Prejudice so please drop
a like okay with that said let's move
on just like with all things in order to
understand how this old people crisis
came to be we need to take a bit of a
history lesson so that we can get to the
root of the matter
it so happens that in this case our
roots are based in the age of the great
MAA dong back in his day starting in the
spring of 1959 China had a problem the
nation simply had too many mouths to
feed and so little food some other
factors were at play but that's a story
for another day the bottom line is that
as a result of this food shortage the
nation faced a terrible famine that
resulted in over 30 million people
starving to death
fast forward to 1979 and China was
starting to face the same problem again
the main cul this time was the fact that
there were simply too many people in the
nation and the resources though
Bountiful could not keep up China was
coming closer to the 1 billion
population Mark and they needed to get
on top of the situation or else another
famine would be repeated and that was
not an option for the CCP in the Years
prior between 1970 and 19 76 Beijing had
seen this problem coming and had first
started by pushing a birth control and
Family Planning program called long last
and few the general idea behind this was
women should get married later and have
long intervals between the children they
had resulting in fewer births it worked
for a bit with the total fertility rate
declining drastically from 5.7 in 1969
to 2.7 in
1978 however it was still not enough
China needed a more drastic change to
solve the problem they had so they
decided to switch gears under the
leadership of den XO Pang the Chinese
Communist Party launched a one child
policy which limited the number of
children a family could have to one it
worked really well in urban environments
and most people became small nuclear
families the government made sure to
make contraception readily available and
incentivize those who compli
if you followed the policy the
government would subsidize your child's
education give you interest free loans
and help you get jobs easily that was
the current part of it after starting
cute and friendly with the incentives in
the later part of the implementation of
the policy the government implemented
the stick it was here that they started
to use abusive measures like force
termination and sterilization quite
harsh if you ask me but let's not try to
get into the human rights implications
of this policy will be at it all day if
we do let's simply look at the facts of
the matter for the most part China's
Twisted policy worked at birth rates
slowed down by 2015 this figure had
dropped to 1.67 births per woman
signifying the policy
success what was not anticipated and
accounted for at the time was the sheer
fact that by having such a policy you're
bound to have a smaller base of the
youth and a much larger base of the
elderly in years to
come after Decades of implementation
what we now have is a country filled
with older people as compared to the
youth that's to say nothing of the
gender disproportionality where China
has over 35 million more men than women
so though China had won the battle it
lost the war as can be seen by the fact
that it has since tracked back on that
policy realizing how hopeless the
situation now is but it's too late the
effects can be felt and the rapidly
declining birth rate can't seem to be
raised in time with a good portion of
China's population being elderly now we
have opened a can of problems that
needed more than a
Band-Aid let's take a look at some of
the effects that this elderly crisis is
having on China and the world as a whole
since we will be using this term a lot
allow me to just repeat its definition
once again so that we all move together
an aging population is created when the
fer rate continues to decline in a
country don't get me wrong aging is
beautiful and the gift of long life is a
blessing the problem comes when more
people are going through this beautiful
process and fewer are taking their place
to give a simple analogy think of a
factory more products are turned out
when raw materials are put into
manufacturing if there are no materials
to make products production dies out I
may have oversimplified my explanation
but basically this is what what's
happening right now at an alarming rate
let's get into the specifics of this
this demographic shift as a result of
the one child policy that went on for
almost four decades has created what is
called the 421 problem it almost sounds
like a football formation but it is
nothing so pleasant what this basically
is is how many families now have only
one child who is responsible for
supporting two parents and possibly four
this of course places a lot of strain on
the child but what many don't realize is
the strain that is placed on the
grandparents themselves the elderly
population we'll dive into that in just
a few minutes as we go over the cultural
implications but for now allow me to
explain the economic factors at play in
China much like the factory example I
gave earlier with a rapidly aging
population the number of elderly people
is increasing while the younger
Workforce is shrinking this creates a
heavy imbalance and instead of a
balanced population pyramid we're left
with this if you're looking at this
graph in your heart is not pounding then
you don't quite understand the gravity
of this situation as China's population
ages the impact is being felt across
various sectors influencing everything
from labor markets to Health Care
Systems to start with we're seeing a
labor force shrinkage and a declining
Workforce in the Eastern nation as the
population ages the number of working
age individuals is decreasing this
ongoing Trend reduces the available
labor force leading to potential labor
shortages in key industries that
undoubtedly impacts China's
manufacturing ability and capacity bear
in mind that China is the manufacturing
Hub of the world and it Rose to that
thrown off the backs of cheap labor and
its ability to mass produce according to
the United Nations statistics division
China's Manufacturing input accounts for
28.7% of global
manufacturing nationally in 2019 30% of
China's GDP came from
manufacturing that just shows you how
seriously China values this role both
domestically and globally if their key
commodity which is plenty of Manpower
gets compromised then they will likely
be dethroned by countries such as India
which are nibbling at their heels thus
collapsing their manufacturing Empire I
already mentioned in our intro how the
World Health Organization estimates that
a third of China's population will be
over 60 by 2040 which means that it is
highly unlikely that they will retain
their Crown the difference can already
be felt in 2016 China's labor force
stood at 8155 million workers but
declined down to 784 million in
2020 in 2023 that number was 5 million
less at 779 million
the labor force participation rate has
dropped from
77.8% to
75.5% with projections indicating that
the number is only going to plummet
further naturally as the workforce
decreases the manufacturing industry is
going to be forced to shrink even
further imagine how many billions of
dollars the country is going to lose as
a result of companies moving from China
to other nations that will have a direct
effect on the investments in the nation
these invest Ms made by other nations
and companies into China are a key
component to the success of China so the
fact that even more companies will soon
begin to jump ship is worrying this
isn't a theoretical thing either it has
already started Intel Microsoft Nike
Amazon and Dell have all already
signaled their intention to move some of
their manufacturing out of China to
different Shores these announcements
mirror an ongoing shift in the global
manufacturing landscape where an
increase number of us companies are
turning their backs on Chinese
manufacturing you know part of why these
companies are moving out of China and
costing the nation billions of dollars
well it's because China's production
costs have increased as compared to
other nations that's where India Vietnam
and other countries come into play funny
enough it's because of China's aging
population that these costs have risen
you see with fewer workers available
because the labor pool is small due to
you know most people being old companies
are going the extra mile to increase
wages to attract talent in their defense
that's the only way to get capable youth
at a time when the youth are protesting
and not going to work for various
reasons we have a video on that you can
take a look at after you're done here it
doesn't take a genius to figure out that
higher wages lead to higher production
costs and reduced competitiveness in the
global market that places China's
economy in a more compromised position
and creates an unending cycle of
problems with more companies leaving
because of higher costs the higher the
unemployment rate gets and so on and so
on it's a disastrous situation to say
the least when we talk about decline as
a result of all this we have to talk
about what will happen to economic
growth statistics show that a 1%
increase in the Aging coefficient will
lead to a 0.38% decrease in economic
growth the culmination of the decline on
all the other fronts will mean that
China will suffer economically Chinese
citizens are in a lot of trouble if
their government does not come up with
policies to solve this aging problem
quickly on top of the negative effects
on the economy we also have the economic
burden that the nation is being forced
to endure as a result of China's aging
population you see there's an increase
in what is called the dependency ratio
and that's creating quite a problem the
dependency ratio is a figure that
measures the number of dependents
meaning children and the elderly that
are supported by the working age
population that ratio is rising and it
is rising fast it is expected to be
nearly 52% by midcentury and from there
it will rise even faster when the
dependency ratio gets to 52% it means
that for every 100 people in the working
age population there are 52 dependents
this would mean that for less than two
working age individuals there will be
one dependent such a situation puts an
Untold strain on public resources and
even family finances this is a grave
problem and and guess what with modern
medicines comes greater life expectancy
and combined with lower fertility rates
it has resulted in a rapidly aging
society which will only make the
dependency ratio more and more
unfavorable this messy situation makes
the gift of living long seem like a pain
that brings us to The Strain that the
government is feeling with the pension
system to keep it pretty simple China's
pension system isn't shambles it's
straining to meet demand and not by a
little let me back up see China's
pension system is made up of three
pillars including the basic pension
system led by the state the second is a
voluntary employee pension plan from
employers and the third is private
voluntary pension schemes both the
corporate and private schemes remain
underdeveloped and are far from perfect
whereas the public scheme is already
under significant financial pressure
with more people seemingly Cashing Out
than paying in it will soon be turned on
its head thus causing it to collapse it
is already at a level where the payouts
are very small amounts of money too
little for one to live on the truth of
the matter is that without reforms the
system may become unsustainable leading
to potential Cuts in benefits or
increased taxes on the working
population again this will impact the
country negatively but given that their
hands are tight is there really much of
a choice this is one of those times when
the entire nation is caught in between a
rock and a hard place this also causes
issues in other Industries another big
challenge that China is facing as a
result of this elderly crisis is the
heat that they're feeling in their
healthare and Social Services as the
elderly population continues to grow
China is going to have to deal with
Rising Health Care expenditures
estimates are showing that healthc care
costs could increase by over 50% by 2050
that's an astronomical margin chronic
illnesses are more prevalent among the
elderly and this means that the need for
medical treatment is at an alltime High
the numbers are even scarier than this
general fact the World Health
Organization reports that 80% of China's
elderly population has at least one
chronic disease this covers over 200
million people further research also
shows that China has the highest number
of dementia patients in the world the
long-term and end of Life Care needed
for these patients is going to see China
coughing up a lot of money that it does
not have China needs a system that's
prepared to provide Specialized Care and
resources to this demographic chronic
disease management is more costly and
speaking frankly China's pockets are not
deep enough for it the situation is even
more horrifying in rural areas where
shortages mean that there are only 1 and
a half hospital beds for every 1,000
people needing hospitalization if
Government funding is not even
stretching enough to meet the problem in
urban areas what is the fate of the
rural elderly population in China well
the one word to describe the situation
is is disastrous there are plenty of
other problems that China will have to
solve as a result of having an aging
population as it does one of those is
the need for reformation in Industries
such as retail real estate and
Technology you see older adults tend to
spend less on consumer goods and more on
healthare housing and services this
shift can lead to changes in market
demand affecting various Industries
that's why strategies to handle this
change need to be in place also older
people tend to consume less and China's
economy and monetary policies will have
to account for this change even at the
cost of progress if you're of the mind
that China's Innovation will not be
affected by an aging population you're
wrong as well an aging Workforce might
contribute to a decline in Innovation
and productivity as younger workers are
typically more adaptable to new
technologies and more likely to engage
in entrepreneurial activities this
shouldn't surprise you I mean just
remember all those times when your
father or mother asked you for help with
something as simple as rebooting the
rouer what other Innovations can you
expect from the mass majority of their
agates basically when you consider all
this the dragon of the East is in an
unfavorable position and addressing
these challenges will require
comprehensive policy reforms investments
in healthcare and social services and a
shift towards a more knowledge-based and
Technology driven economy all these are
easier said than done we've been talking
about the impact that the elderly crisis
has on China as a whole so let's shift
gears and see how much that very
Community we're discussing is suffering
as well let's begin by talking about the
general setting of a Chinese home we've
covered the 421 model and what it looks
like in this situation it becomes
unreasonable to ask a child to support
all six parents and grandparents
especially in a tough economy that is
why the elderly of China have to make
sacrifices and keep working longer and
harder just so that they can supports
and their children and grandchildren
because of the Aging crisis there is
such an imbalance that parents and
grandparents are now chipping in to help
their adult children just so that they
can stay afloat with ever rising cost of
living many young parents rely on
financial support from their elderly
parents to manage these costs this lady
who was interviewed by BBC is a
reflection of what is happening in the
nation Grandma Fang shows me her room in
an elderly care home you've got a little
balcony out the front she's decided to
pay for long-term care rather than rely
on her
son I'm more open-minded there are few
people of the same age who think like us
and it seems we care more about enjoying
life but I thought it through that is
what you call a mother's sacrifice on
top of just the financial aid there's a
cultural responsibility that is falling
on grandparents to help with child care
this is because most households are
comprised of a mother and father who
work hence the day-to-day care helping
with education and transportation of the
grandchildren is being left to the
grandparents it might be hard to fully
grasp this point depending on where in
the world you're from but in China the
concept of filial piety is strong the
concept of filial piety or respect and
care for one's parents extends to the
elderly supporting their adult children
in return the expectation is that
children will care for their parents in
old age unlike other cultures in Chinese
culture family ties are strong and
there's a deep-seated expectation that
grandparents will help care for their
grandchildren this is seen as a way for
the elderly to stay involved and
contribute to the family with pensions
being measly and challenges all around
this is proving to be quite the burden
on the elderly in a society that does
not accept anything less also to tie it
in with the pension and social services
I spoke of earlier because China's
social safety nets such as pensions and
elder care services are not sufficiently
strong to support the Aging population
the elderly are left with quite the hard
choice to make in 2022 the national
average monthly payment for the public
employment pension was $500 and just $28
for the basic state pension this is
clearly not enough and so old people are
now forced to keep working deep in their
old age or rely on their children who in
turn rely on them this is perfectly
expressed in House story and it is the
same story throughout these ranks just
listen he told Al jazer that the cost of
living exceeded his monthly pension so
he had to return to the labor market to
find work how is currently working as an
accountant for a store owner during the
day and as a security guard for a hotel
at night can you imagine working in your
70s just so you can survive and your
family can live a decent life it's quite
crazy to think of what all this adds up
to is a strain on China's elderly
firstly we have the physical emotional
strain that such responsibilities bring
caring for young children can be
physically demanding especially for the
elderly the emotional burden of feeling
responsible for the financial and
physical well-being of multiple
Generations can also lead to stress and
health issues at a time when you're
supposed to be taking it easy you find
yourself plagued with chronic illnesses
and still shouldering the financial
responsibilities of your children that's
intense secondly it should go without
saying that when you extended your
working life beyond the limits just to
assist and support your family you're
going to intensify any health problems
you have and this reduces your quality
of life despite these wo many people do
not quite have a grasp on these problems
of the elderly and it is this
frustration that has them protesting in
the streets and seeking a better life
Seeking Justice the question is is the
CCP listening judging from our earlier
Clips no despite claiming to be be a
government for the people the Chinese
Communist party needs to make aggressive
policy changes and rectify this
situation so it earns such claims that
is the obligation that a government has
to its people if things continue as they
are with protest and violence being
inflicted all around then the CCP puts
itself in a compromising position where
civil unrest will take root at massive
scales in any case the elderly crisis
weakens the CCP so you would think that
they would be scrambling to fix this to
preserve their political power speaking
of power and might we also need to
remember that the workforce is not the
only sector that needs the young and fit
to participate China's military will
undoubtedly suffer too at the hands of
this aging crisis an increasingly aging
population will mean a reduced
recruitment pool for military service do
we even need to get into how this
impacts the safety of China on the world
stage the tensions are running high on
the global stage meaning War can
interrupt at any minute especially with
the instigations and provocation that
China likes to throw around as we're
seeing from the war in Ukraine this is
the wrong time for China to potentially
have a shortage in its military force if
push comes to shove China may have to
make do with an aging military force
affecting its potential issues if War
breaks out against it and its many
enemies added to that is the issue of
China's political position in the world
China's Global influence is only as big
as its economic strength in the global
market if its Industries fall apart and
its economy declines what will China
have to show for itself China may fall
back from leading the pack to playing
catch up from the outskirts that is
certainly an unwelcome outcome for the
CCP and if that were to happen it would
mark their unceremonious fall so there
you have it folks China's elderly crisis
is not a fairy tale or a problem for the
next few Generations it's a problem that
needs a swift response today and
solutions must be found now as this
aging problem worsens China's political
social and economic landscape is going
to have to change very quickly if the
nation wishes to survive what's
painfully clear is that the demographic
Gap will only get wider over time and
the measures China has tried to put into
place so far are not doing anything to
solve the problem so they need something
new on the table one thing is for sure
the CCP will be looking at aggressive
Reformation soon and we can only imagine
what that will look like when it rears
its head whatever the case I'll be right
here keeping you updated on the
situation thanks for watching folks and





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